Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is it Thursday Already?

Why is it that the week flies by when you're off, but moves at a snail's pace when at work? I can not believe it is Thursday already! Ugh! I have been so busy with catching up with friends and family that my crafty time has been minimal. I did manage, however, to play along with the challenge over at the Crafty Secret's forum at SCS. (Hosted by Marcy!) The challenge was to create a "Home" card. Easy enough! I pulled out Crafty Secret's Home Sweet Home set and got busy!

I colored this image in with my Copics. When I was done, I took an old wash cloth, wet it with my bottle of blending solution, and dabbed the grass, tree trunk, and house. I love this technique because it gives the image a little added texture. The paper is by K & Company. (Wild Raspberry) I added a Cuttlebugged panel. My new love has been browsing the floral dept at Michaels for silk flowers to use for scrapbooking and cardmaking. I just remove the green plastic center and add a button, jute, and this time a Prima leaf behind it!

Off again today to see some girlfriends! Lunch and shopping! It doesn't get any better than that! : )
Thank you so much for your kind comments on yesterday's LO. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to post it. I was afraid it was too raw.......negative in a way. Thank you for letting me share it...... HUGS to you all! : )


  1. I absolutely ♥♥♥ this!!! such a magnificent job coloring...

  2. Love this card and the coloring!!! I just went to a store the other day and they lady introduced me to the Copic pens. Now, I want to stamping again and play with these wonderful pens.... Have fun at lunch and shopping!!!!

  3. cute card but man...that is one heck of a lot of coloring!! It's FAB!!!

    See ya Saturday!!!


  4. Love the beautiful colors in this card! TFS:)

  5. WOW!!! What a stunning card!!!! WOW!

  6. really beautiful work Michelle :) ♥

  7. This is absolutely beautiful. Your coloring is so perfect that it looks airbrushed or silkscreened. I am coveting your card BIG time!

  8. What a wonderful card your coloring is gorgeous. :) Hugs Marja

  9. Beautiful card!! I LOVE the fantastic coloring job!! :-)

  10. Your art work is amazing...I am awed (sp?) by your coloring...wish we lived close, so I could come over and learn from you :)

  11. Well you are quite the social butterfly this week, aren't you??!! ☺ Sounds like so much FUN!! Hanging out with girlfriends. LOVE this card!! Seriously when I first saw it, it totally reminds me of Hansel and Gretel house in the woods, lol. But that's a good thing--it's cute!

  12. Oh my - what a fabulous card! Love your coloring! Thanks for stopping by the blog today and leaving a nice comment!

    Cute new photo of you, too! Well, it's new to me anyway.


  13. Fabulous card,I love your colouring!!!

  14. This is so beautiful, Michele! LOVIN' those colors! WOW!

  15. Your coloring looks so amazing on your beautiful card, Michele!! Wonderful!!

  16. What a stunning card I love it.

    Mrs Wonka x

  17. Hi Michelle, thanks for stopping by and the lovely comment. Beautiful card and the colors are gorgeous. Love your pages layouts too.... have a great day :op

    {HUGS} xxx

  18. Great job coloring! Great card!

    This was clearly a work of heart!



  19. Gorgeous card Michele, love the colours you have used.


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!