Friday, March 20, 2009

Lil' Get Well Card!

I truly adore this get well set by Crafty Secret's called, "Feeling Yucky." It has such sweet images! I chose these cute ducks to color. I used my Copics. I cut the little guy out and placed him on a pop dot. I used Crystal Effects for the medicine and tears.

Do you see my wonky picture? I thought I was being sooooo creative by putting old vintage medicine bottles behind the card. Too bad the picture was a wee bit crooked! So to fix it (or so I thought...) I used the straighten tool in Adobe. Unfortunately, it made my name/company name pretty crooked. Oh well........just focus on the card people! LOL!
Just an FYI, Noel Mignon will be releasing her newest kit, Lovely Day, on Monday! If you are interested in preordering it, she is throwing some little extras in there! Check it out HERE if you are interested! I ADORE this kit.....and will be sharing some projects with it on Monday!
And that's all I got for ya's! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!! : )


  1. Oh that poor little sad duckie!! How CUTE!

  2. This is so adorable and what a great way to present your card. Love the vintage bottles! Your coloring is perfect on those sweet little ducks!

    Have a great day!

  3. awwwww what a sweet card Michelle!! :) ♥

  4. Oh Chelle, this is precious. I adore your vintage ducky. Your vintage bottle is the perfect backdrop. You GO girl!

  5. AWWW!! Poor little ducky!! The image is so sweet though!! TFS!

  6. Oh no...what a pathetic duckie! Just too cute though!

  7. Awww...that poor duckie! LOL This is too sweet!!

  8. I love this duckie image! Very cute card!

  9. Oh man that is WAY too cute! Poor lil' ducky! Your colouring is so fantastic! :O)

  10. Awe....that is adorable, Michele!!

  11. I love this card Michelle, soooo cute!!



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