Monday, September 28, 2009

Bitten by the Bug Blog Hop and some Blog Candy!

Happy Monday to you! This week's Bitten by the Bug challenge was to use the Priceless cut from the Graphically Speaking cartridge. I decided that babies definitely fall into that category! : ) I pulled out this adorable Debbie Mum DP and some Kraft cardstock. I added some glitter to the sentiment, priceless, and inked the edges a bit. I also pulled out my JustRite stamps to create the words, babies are. I cut the circle out with my Nesties and inked those edges too. I tucked it behind the word priceless, added a bit satin bow, and a couple of pretty stick pins to finish it off.

Since it is the end of the know what that means don't cha? BLOG CANDY! Just a teeny offering this month, but I hope I can pass on these goodies to a good home! What do you have to do? Tell me something you would like to see more of on thee ole' blog here! Consider it a suggestion box if you will! : )

Easy enough right?

And a few more husband and I LOVED the P!nk concert! She put on such an outstanding show! And who knew that she was so funny? Love her!
On Sunday we headed to Indiana to pick some apples and spend the day together. I actually got a pretty decent picture of my 2 kids........ : )
Where to next? You are heading to Penny's blog now!
Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to leave your suggestion before you head out!


  1. What a precious card Michelle! And love the darling pic of your kids. Just keep doing what you're doing! Love it all! xxD

  2. Oh dear, I don't wanna go first! But I do want to encourage you so I'll bite the bullet. What do I want to see more of? Just make it more postings. You're on my blog feed so the more you post the more inspiration I get. Love the shaped cards especially. (Saving for a Cricut - the hand drawn thing isn't too pretty!). Thanks for all your efforts!

  3. I love this card! So fabulously glittery!

  4. Oh me Michelle, what a sweet card girlie! I love all the glitter too! The picture of your kiddos is so sweet and I'd say it could be considered priceless as well! HUGS!

  5. I ADORE this pink vintage card! And of coourse the wonderful photo of your two children at the apple picking is sensational. I can't think of a single thing I'd like to see more of on your blog because it's just right!

  6. Love card. I follow your blog and am new to card making. So any techniques (stamping, using ribbon, ect) would be great.

  7. Love the card, I like your shaped cards, so much inspiration so just keep up the great work.

  8. I love this card and all the sparkle!

    I honestly just love your work so if you can just keep creating beautiful, inspiring things, that works for me!

  9. I just love this card! Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks too for sharing the great pix of the kids. Have fun apple picking and keep up the great work! ~chris

  10. Great card and great blog! LOVE the card with the crayons on it!!!!
    Lets about Christmas stuff for the next little while?

  11. I looked through your blog and you do some really beautiful work! I'd really love to see more as it looks like you have such talent.

  12. This is so precious. love all the soft baby colors.
    Your kids are so cute.

  13. What a gorgeous card! I love all of the lil details!
    This is my first visit to your bloggy, so I don't have any advice, yet! lol! I love what I'm seeing and will definitely be back more often ;)
    TFS :*)
    ~ margie

  14. Your card is absolutely wonderful.

    Since this is my first visit to your blog, I can't really say what I would like to see more of but I'll be back again.

  15. Love your cards and your blog, I'm a follower now too. I hope to see a lot more inspiration from you. You are very talented designer. I love the card you did for the priceless challenge. I really love what you've done with the In the Kitchen cartridge, you sold me on it! ~Diane

  16. Oh MIchele, this take on the challenge is just wonderful. I love the colors on this card and the paper choices are........priceless.

  17. Just keep sharing your beatiful cards! Everyone needs a regular dose of eye candy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Hi Michelle, I am new to your blog but not to BBtB, so I am not sure what to ask for. Perhaps tutorials and how to's. I am a search out junky - looking for new way to cut the ol' paper!

    Your card is cute! You are right, babies are priceless. I just saw one when I popped int othe post office today - I had to smile at her to see if she would smile back.. and she did!

    Your candy looks yummy too

  19. I love everything that you post I love that you not only share your projects but you also share your life and I want more of it all! I am one that is bad about posting all the time and I just love when others do it makes me do it more as well! keep them comming!

  20. Love the card Michelle. Love what u did with the Debbie Mumm paper and glitter. I actually think your's is one of the best! As far as improvements...I agree w/Donna, just keep doing what your doing!

  21. Love the card!!! You could have just added "priceless" to the pic of your children and used that for this challenge!!!!

    Just keeping making more of your amazing cards!!! TFS

  22. yes they are and so is this precious the glitter to...hugs

  23. I can't think of anything new for you to do at the moment. All your work is fabulous - I always come here for inspiration.

    Thanks for sharing!


  24. This card is precious. Your attention to detail is what I love about your cards. Thanks for sharing your design.

  25. What an adorable card !! Love the paper, the bow, everything!! Id love to see some Christmas cards.

  26. Stunning card, Michelle!! Love the dp and your design. Fab piccy of your kids, too - those apples look delicious.x :)

  27. That is a cute card that you posted there! Looks like it was fun too. thanks for letting me stop by! Carol M in TX /

  28. I LOVE that card! It is priceless!

  29. The glittered PRICELESS is the perfect touch. Your emblishments are top notch.
    Melissa Martin

  30. Your cards are amazing.. looks like a $1000... love it! - Xochitl

  31. This card is just super cute! Just keep up the great work! You always inspire me! Thanks


  32. What a great card! Love it! I can't say that there is anything missing for your blog. Just continue the great mix of cards and scrap pages. I am not a scrapper, but I love your pages...much needed inspiration for me! ;0)

  33. Great card Michelle! I love reading your blog and can't think of any suggestions. Just keep doing what you are doing. It's great!!!


  34. 1. Gorgeous card!!! Love shabby, and you've got the technique in the bag!!

    2. Your kids are adorable!! Such an awesome pic too!! This one would look wonderful framed!

    3. SOOOO jealous that you got to see Pink!! I love her! I'm going to see KISS tomorrow night! My very first concert! So excited!

  35. How cool...PINK!!!!! Love the card and the pic of the children is just perfect!!!! I believe if it isn't broken don't fix it!!! I love your Blog!!!! So much inspiration!!!! :)

  36. Love your card Michele!! I love coming to your blog and seeing your gorgeous work! The picture of your kids is fabulous!! :)

  37. Cute card. The glitter is pretty cool.

  38. Adorable card and precious children. I would like for you to show me how you get your WONDERFUL bows! WOW!!!

  39. What a sweet card, luv everything about it!. I always like to see techniques and your glittering is really nice!

  40. Thanks for offering blog candy and just love the prize. I love your blog and wouldn't change a bit...although maybe adding some craft tips wouldn't be too big of a change. Thanks!

  41. Love your card and all the accents put on it!!

  42. I
    And ALMOST three year old??? She knows, "so, what?" by heart....and SINGS it at the TOP OF HER LUNGS!!! LOL!!!

    Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the CARD!!!!!! GORGEOUS!!!

    I would love to see U do more tutorials like the make your own alphas....U have sooooooooooooo many AMAZING ideas! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  43. Super fab Michele...just love all things baby and wish I had 1000 friends having one! Your kids look super esp. in the matchy red shirts!

  44. Your card is absolutely wonderful. I love all the details and that Debbie Mum paper is just perfect! This is a card that will be treasured!!

    Jo xx

  45. Michele, this card is WAY too cute!! I love the paper you used and the way you did the "babies are" too! Awesome take on the challenge! Love the picture of the kids and you are so LUCKY to get to go see Pink! I really miss going to the apple orchards like when I was a kid with my family. We don't have anything close around here. Too much sand. Oh well...such is life I guess, huh? :) hugs!

  46. Priceless indeed... love the bling you added in the tag too. I love your shaped cards. You're so talented I just love to pop in and see what you're working on.

  47. What a great card! I love to see ideas using paper that already has the pictures on it. Sometimes I need a quick card.

  48. Beautiful card! I love the glitter! I can't think of anything to tell you to add to your blog...I love all the cards you post. I'm always up for instructional videos or just tutorials though, so I guess I'll say either of those since you asked. :)

  49. What a precious card and fantastic blog candy (I've just gotten into the Peachy Keen stamps and I love them!) Also beautiful kids!

  50. I enjoy your blog and the great variety you share so right now I can't think of anything to add. TFS!

  51. What a sweet card! Colors are so beautiful.

  52. I think that your blog is cute. The cards are all spectacular. I love color though. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  53. WHat an adorable card! I love how you didn't use a stamp and you just cut up that gorgeous dp! I never use dp like that cause I don't know what to do with it. Well now I do. Thanks for the inspiration. Love the glitter and how you did the sentiment/ribbon/embellie treatment to. Now, what do I want to see more of? I really can't think of anything other that new ideas or techniques like you've shown today.

  54. Lovely card! I don't need more of anything, you are inspiration enough! TFS

  55. cant think of anything i would like to see that you havent already done. great job, keep it up! thanks for the inspiration.

  56. You always provide great inspiration, so what to see more of is difficult. I love how you always share how you do what you did, what products you used, recipes, etc. Maybe some Christmas inspiration now that we are within 90 days. And, btw, I think it's a GREAT pic of your children, not just "pretty decent". Thanks for sharing your talent!

  57. I absolutely love this card! If I was on the receiving end of this card I would defintely have to scrapbook it! As far as suggestions...just keep on posting your great work!


  58. I love your work. This card is wonderful. I don't really know of anything in particular that I would like to see except maybe new techniques, if there are any.


    Linda D.

  59. I love the card. I love learning new techniques. Your blog is always helpful for color combos and all that bling. Got to love bling.


  60. Oh Michelle what a great image you have made here...most of all...your children are too darn cute for words...guess I could always ask for more pics of them. I have such a soft heart when it comes to children...your children are precious!

  61. i have a kinship with your blog... i find comfort and expression with my creativity. i work with students with special needs (aged 14-21 years old) lots of personal care but more importantly lots of love from parents and i feel honoured to share their world with me...

  62. I subscribe to your blog and look forward to new posts to see your creations!! laura j

  63. Fabulous card - I never really know how to use the papers with so many images in squares - you've inspired me to pull them out and give them a try again. I just found your blog and love everything about it - I'm inspired to try some new techniques after seeing your creations. Thank you!!

  64. FAB card. I love tutorials, neat tricks or trips on how to make something that is on your card (for us who don't know lol), and seeing one stamp 5 ideas kind of thing.
    p.s. Your soup pot and kettle are absolutely Wow! I love 'em! Nice Blog. Thank you.

  65. Such a beaufiful it. Your bog is wonderful. I am new to the whole blog thing and just set mine us a few months ago. I can't think of a thing you need to add. You have wonderful ideas and I love it that you so graciously share all of them

  66. Beautiful card Michelle! I love the colors :) I'm not sure what suggestion I can give because I think your blog is perfect! :P mmm maybe you could post tutorials on how to create something, you know for newbies like me lol

  67. your blog is great already but i agree with more christmas and tutorials maybe ?

  68. I really love Graphically Speaking and your card is darling! I have that arc paper but could never think of a thing to do with it.

    Your blog is great-- don't change a thing!

  69. So glad I found your :) Bonnie x

  70. I love the sparklies! I would enjoy seeing more tutorials.. you can never have too many. I also like projects that you can use for gifts.


  71. Your card is so precious Michelle, I love it ....


  72. I am just getting into card making and happened upon your blog following a link from another blog. I was scrolling down your page and saw the picture of your beautiful children! I, too, have a daughter with CP (as well as two other children). The challenges are definitely worth the joy she brings into our lives as I'm sure you are aware! My little girl, Madison (we call her "Maddy"), just turned 9 years old last month. I can't wait to explore more and learn about your children. I just wanted to comment how beautiful they both are!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!