Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Crafty Secret's Stamps!

Many of you asked for Christmas here ya go! I got a huge box of Crafty Secrets stuff last week and was finally able to dive in and play. This is a new stamp set called, Season's Greetings. The images in this set are gorgeous. I stamped the image with Momento ink and then colored her in with my Copics.
The "snowball" was glitzed up with my Sakura glue pen and SU! glitter. I cut the image out with my square Spellbinder's Nestibilities. The edges were inked with Tim Holtz Old Paper and Frayed Burlap ink. The paper is by Cosmo Cricket. I did a little sewing with my machine and added a snowflake border. (Martha Stewart) The corner piece is from Tattered Angels and was sprayed with Rose Glimmer Mist and then the edges were distressed with ink.
The sentiment is from Papetrey Ink......because I needed something little to fit in that space!

Our new carpeting is in and now I need to call for an installation date. I can't wait! My curtains are on backorder for the living room until the end of October. I am pretty dang tired of living in a fishbowl! After that.....we are done redecorating for awhile. Then I can concentrate on the holidays and such!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!!! : )
Have a great Wednesday!!!!


  1. What a beautiful card.....I so adore your work....all the detail and wonderful colors!!! Yay for you carpet...I to am waiting for an install date and then we can have some of the furniture delivered!!!! Wishing you a Wonderful Wednesday!!! :-)

  2. I love this color combination for Christmas! It's so fresh and wintry!

  3. OOOO I LOVE these colors for Christmas, this is BEAUTIFUL!!! Your ribbon treatment is sooooo beautiful!!! Beautiful card!

  4. That is JUST GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Such a pretty girly card! Love the papers and the yummy pink velvet ribbon!
    Hugs, Vicky ~x~

  6. what a stunning card! and that image is fabulous!

    wanna re-decorate my place??? LOL


  7. WOWZER!! This is just GORGEOUS!! Love the colors on this one and the stick pins are a wonderful accent!! HUGS

  8. Beautiful and sweet vintage card!! I love the colors!!

  9. this is DARLING!!!
    I love the colors and that stamp is adorable!

  10. This is SO PRETTY Michelle! Love the vintage look, beautiful colors and velvet ribbon!

  11. So sweet!! Love these colors - wonderful combination of elements!

  12. I have to have that adorable stamp and what perfect papers you picked for her.

  13. Adorable! The details are so beautiful. You might as well want to have the newest Tim Holtz stamps at Christina’s Crafts. Check this one out!

  14. What a lovely detailed card, that velvet ribbon looks so pretty


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