Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Introducing Stitched With Love & a Tutorial!

JustRite is releasing another fabulous new set called Stitched With Love! It is a gorgeous set that has a bit of a vintage flair......which is totally up my alley! So I pulled out my vintage inspired papers and went to town! I used this cute little spool of thread and decided it would be so cute if I could add real thread to it, instead of just coloring it. I am all about dimension, dimension, dimension! So I will show ya how I did it. Nothing monumental or earth shattering.....just thought I'd share! : )

So here ya go........... : )

Now I mention I use Copics....but feel free to use your medium of choice!

.......gee......I think I need a manicure or something.......

I also added a little stick pin to this sample......just thought it looked sweet..... : )

As always.....thank you for stopping by! If you would like more inspiration using this set, check out the JustRite see what the other DT gals have cooked up!
Have a FABULOUS day!!!!!


  1. What darling cards! I am totally in love with your fun spools and you can bet I'll be trying this -- thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. Wow!! That is so realistic looking!! Stunning creation!! :) TFS! HUGS

  3. Michele!!! This is so clever! I love the three-dimensional touches you add to your cards. DARLiNG!!!

  4. Oh, I LOVE this card!!! I absolutely LOVE IT!!! The thread just makes it perfect!

  5. girl i swear you are always so inspirational...i love this....i just wish i was a good stamper....may need to break out the hundreds (and i do mean hundreds)of stamps that i "HAD TO HAVE" and give this a whirl

  6. Oh, Michele! I love the sweet vintage style of this card, and that floss wrapped around the spool is absolutely genius!

  7. I just love everything about this card you clever girl! The thread wound on to the spool was just ingenious!
    Take care, ~Diane

  8. Absolutely fabulous, Michele -- love the dimension of your thread spool!!

  9. Oh my this is soooo awesome!!! WOW thanks for the great tutorial too!!!! GORGEOUS

  10. Gorgeous card & I love what you did with the thread!

  11. WOW.....I adore this one and you never cease to amaze me with your wonderful talent......I LOVE the way the spool of thread looks!!!!

    Thanks for sharing with us!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!! :-)

  12. You are AMAZING girl - what a great idea!! Your card is super cute, I love it!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  13. WoWzA, love this fabulous vintage-style card!! And that tutorial is da bomb ... very clever and so unique!! Quick: patent it!

  14. Ohhh wowww Michele,what a beautiful card,i love your images and papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  15. That is a wonderful card! How clever to wind the thread around. You are so creative!

  16. WOWZERS!!!!! This card is SOO AMAZING!!

  17. This is so pretty!!! I must order this set and try it!! Thanks for the tutorial!

  18. You're killing me with your brilliance! Now I need this stamp!

  19. Michele, your cards are adorable! I love your spool and cute papers.

  20. Very pretty card! What a clever idea to wrap the spool with thread!

  21. Very cool tutorial Michele! Fabulous card!

  22. Beautiful cards. I love your idea to wrap the thread around the spool. Also that is gorgeous vintage sewing pattern paper. TFS

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  24. So clever & cute - really does take it to another level - thanks for sharing!

  25. So clever & cute - really does take it to another level - thanks for sharing!

  26. Oh Michele,this is too cute!!!
    TFS your tutorial,your card is absolutely gorgeous!

  27. these are fabulous cards! So creative! Love the background stamping of patterns on the first one, and How you wrapped the floss around the spool. So creative!

  28. Wowzers Michele this is just amazing work. LOVE that cotton roll, a very creative idea. Your cards are just so gorgeous, thanks for sharing!

  29. I love your card. I've been looking for more ideas like this one. I wanted to make a scrapbook page using something similar to this. Thanks!!


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