Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Relay for Life...American Cancer Society!

Happy Thursday to you! I have been so scattered and busy lately that I completely forgot to post my pics from my weekend walking for the American Cancer Society. All the teachers I work with walked with me and raised money for this event. Our booth sold several things to raise money, one of which were these little note cards. The teachers and I had a fun night prior to the cancer walk just stamping in assembly line fashion! I kept the LO simple so that we could stamp a bunch and bundle them in groups of 3 to sell. The stamp is by Papertrey Ink. We embossed, stamped, and used a Spellbinder's die to cut the image out.

One of the teachers was a good sport and let us do her hair as crazy as possible! The idea is that you collect money from the other people atItalic the event. And hopefully because you look absolutely ridiculous that people will pity you and give you donations! LOL!

One of the other booths had a station where you could make a cement garden stone. : )

All in all it is a fun night for a great charity! Our team won the Silver Medal! We raised over $4,000! Awesome!!!
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!!!


  1. What a wonderful cause to work for, Michele, and your cards are just beautiful...the perfect message for the occasion!

    Hope you're having a fabulous night!


  2. Wowwwwwwwwwwwww! So cool that you did this!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the photos and loving the notecards you made! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Good for you and congrats on raising that much money!!!!!

    Love those cards...they are just beautiful!!!

    Wishing you a great day!!!

  4. How fabulous is that - congrats on a terrific event! Those cards are just beautiful!!

  5. Congrats on the Silver medal, you are such a great role model for your children and your students. TFS~Diane

  6. Looks like you have a wonderful team that you are a part of! You all look like you had a lot of fun. Her 'wild' hair is darling. Not everyone can wear a do like that. Those cards are darling - and what a great idea!
    congratulations on Silver - that is awesome!! Great job!

  7. The Relay for Life events are always a lot of fun for a very good cause. Love the photo of all of you! Such pretty cards you made, too! Very special the way you tied them in bundles. Super cute! Congrats on your fantastic fund raising success!

  8. WoW these are `gorgeous` Michelle..Way to go what a fab cause TFI
    Have a great weekend:)xxx

  9. So glad that your cause was able to raise so much money. The card sets are great and it's wonderful you had a good group of girls to do an assembly line to get them done.


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