Friday, July 15, 2011

A Tutorial in Papers and Pixels....AND a giveaway!

Happy Friday to you! I have so much to share with you today! I hope you can stick around for a few minutes! ; ) First off, I have had the honor of contributing to a fabulous on-line magazine called Papers and Pixels. I have a tutorial over there on how I created this card with step by step instructions. If you haven't been there yet, I would recommend checking it out and becoming a member. It costs nothing and it is a fabulous place to make friends and be inspired!

I have a fun giveway that will end on July 29th, 10 P.M. EST. The winner will be announced on August 1st. I have a Gypsy and 2 cartridges, Tinkerbell and Friends and Fabulous Finds, to offer to all of you Cricut lovers! All 3 items retails for about $170.00.

So what do you have to do? Take a peek at my tutorial over at Papers and Pixels, come back here and tell me what specific tutorials you would like to see from me. I would love to create more, but I need a bit of direction! ; ) And last but not least, you don't have to become a follower of my blog, but I sure would love it if you did! : )
And that's it! : ) Easy right?

Have a wonderful weekend!!!!! : )


  1. Oh this card is stunning!!!! All the wonderful detail!!!!

    I would love to see a tutorial on coloring techniques....shading especially!!!

    Wishing you a great day sweet friend!!

  2. I would like to see how to make a flower. So many different options I'm not sure where to begin.

    Disneys stitch at gmail dot com

  3. I love your tutorial. The card is just beautiful. I never thought of using glossy accents on the paper as a base for glitter. You learn something new every day on the blogs. TFS!

  4. I forgot to write what tutorials I would like to see. I agree with Jocelyn and would love to see shading techniques. I am not very good with that and could use some help.

  5. What a jaw dropping and stunning card! It just takes my breath away!

  6. You are so kind and so generous and so talented. I am inspired by your sense of creativity. Your blog rocks. Thanks for sharing.

    Time is always a problem for me or I should say the lack there of. A tutorial on time saving techniques would be beneficial. Maybe some techniques on preparation.


  7. Wow this card is just beautiful. I love it.

    I too must say I would love seeing "coloring" like w/ copics, and/or colored pencil.


    terri_ski at yahoo dot com

  8. Michele, I loved your tutorial and the details you used for the dress. But I also loved reading more of your bio about your daughter and your stuggles and stives. Thank you for sharing. I would love to see what you can do with anything, I just love your talent. Keep finding the positives!

    Kim Hamlin

  9. Michele,
    I always enjoy seeing your work and this card is beautiful. I would also like to see you demo shading. I have a problem with this. Thank you for the give away and sharing your talents.

  10. Good morning Michele~ First of all thank you for introducing me to Paper and Pixels. I had never heard of the site or the magazine. I can't wait to read the whole thing. I love digital projects as well as traditional scrapping. As for tutorials, I would love to see some on inking. I don't do much of this because I never seem to get it right. I could use your help!

    Missie Todd
    missieacafa @ aol dot com
    createdbymissie @ aol dot com

  11. WOW! Absolutely beautiful!

    Any tutorial would be wonderful and would love to see more on Copics and stamping.


  12. Wow; love the card!! I would like to see tutorials on making flowers. (Would love a Copic coloring tut, as well) Thanks!!
    Deb, qoq_1athotmaildotcom

  13. Thanks for the link to the fab magazine Michelle! Love your card and the tutorial. I would love to see how you work with your favorite "glitter", it always looks so smooth and nice.

  14. Your card is absolutely stunning!!!

  15. As a grandmother of 11 I would love to see children's (young and old) birthday cards. So much more fun for both me and them to make them rather than buy them. I love the card you made as a gumball machine with a shaker insert. Keep up the good work. A Cricut Gypsy would be a wonderful addition to my craft room. Thanks, Nancy Hill

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE this card tutorial !!

    I have a few ideas, hope you don't mind me listing a couple :)

    1) Basic shapes - choosing a shape and highlighting different ideas you could use that shape for.
    2) Colour - help on choosing colours or patterns that go well together.
    3) How to create your own back grounds.
    4Punch Art - I love punch art so anything in that field is always fun to learn.
    5) A challenge - alot of magazines will always set the tutorials for intermediate crafters, which is great because it covers all levels of ability, but what about a tutorial to really challenge the more experienced crafter, something that you can really sink your teeth into ( i hope not to offend anyone with this idea,would just be nice to see ;) )

    Cheers Sam

  17. Yes, this card is positively stunning. I love all tutorials. I have learned almost everything in my card making from tutorials. I especially enjoy a tutorial that a "famous" card maker does on a new technique they just discovered. Oh, and the Gypsy!!!! I am very new to the Cricut world (two weeks) and already I have a Gypsy on my wish list. Keep up the good work Michelle ~ one of my favorite blogs!

  18. That is a gorgeous card!!!! My sister doesn't have these carts or a Gypsy, so I'd love a chance to win them for her :D.

  19. Hello Michele,
    I am a new scrapbooker( I am enjoying every step while learning this fabulous art, but I have many questions still to ask and details to unveil.
    I agree with Jocelyn about the tutorial, I would like to see how to shade the corners and edges on papers, and to learn different techniques on paper treatment to get different looks or textures.
    I look forward to see who the winner is ;) and to learn from the most experienced.

    Marci ;D

  20. Love this card. Great tutorial.

    I would love to see a tutorial on "colouring in" stamps. I'm fairly new to stamping and have never attempted colours!

  21. Love your card, have a few ideas, but would love to see some tutorials for boy cards. I am always at a loss and with 2 grandsons and a couple of nephews. I feel like I am cheating them when the nieces get really pretty cards and theirs are, well, kinda sad looking :)

  22. Wow...the card is beautiful and you are certainly very talented in creating it. I'm great at copying but not usually the initial creating process.

    Sam listed the one thing that I would love to see more tuturials on. Punch Art. It fascinates me and I love seeing what can be made from basic punch shapes.

    Thanks so much for being so generous with your giveaway as well! Have a great day.

  23. Love your card it is gorgeous! I like ALL kinds of tutorials. Let's face it we pick up something new with everything we see. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the future.

  24. Oh Michele.. your card is beautiful.. (as always)... I went over and registered at Papers and Pixels.. haven't had time to really check it out.. I would love to see you make ANYTHING.. your work is amazing...

  25. Happy Friday Michele! And Wow, thank you for introducing me to Paper and Pixels. I love it! As for tutorials, I would love to see some on flowers, I can never seem to create all of those amazing layers flowers I see on projects. That would be a fantastic help to me!

  26. There are two things that I struggle with and would love to see a tutorial for either.

    Selecting different patterns that work well together (outside of a "kit") and creating blog buttons and headers.

    The card is beautiful!

    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Stephanie from

  27. Michelle, thanx for sharing the link to Paper's and Pixel's!! What a great source for idea's and inspiration!! What a beautiful card!! I may have to scraplift it for a friends wedding card!!! I have been a follower for a while!! You are so talented!! I guess you could call me a fan!!:) I hate to sound redundant, but shading techniques would be an area I would love direction!!:) TFS!! -Jennifer

  28. This is so beautiful and such a great tutorial.
    I would love to see the process you use to balance pattern paper and colors- you have a great eye with that.
    Thanks for a chance to win your latest giveaway.

  29. Gorgeous card!!! I love your blog, I am now a follower.

    I would like to see a tutorial on coloring and punch art. Thanks for asking.

    Nette R
    netter at q dot com

  30. All I can say is wow! Your tutorial is so easy to follow that I think I could actually make this card. I would like to see a tutorial on tearing paper. I have never used any Cricut products and would love to try.

  31. what a great tutorial i would love to see a tutorial on making backgrounds in my cards. like a cloud one or how to do a sidewalk. thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I enjoyed looking at your tutorial. I did not know you put your glitter down with glossy accents... I will have to try that AS you are my glitter idol! For suggestions, I would like to see the detail steps to any of your projects similar to this wedding card. I as sure I would learn some great tips. Keep up the good work- it is just fantastic!

  33. You are one talented lady.
    I would love to see any tutorials using Just Right Stamps. I love their product. Specifically items with Halloween or Christmas theme. Christmas Tree ornaments would be fun.

  34. I love your glittering and I would love to see some details on how you do that, especially the bigger glitter that you use.

    michelegreen120 at gmail dot com

  35. Thanks Michele. I would love to see videos on putting together mini albums made out of different materials....canvas, paper bags, chipboard, acrylic, etc. Also videos on using the Yudu,,,,this is so intimidating, layering vinyl...for walls etc & material.

  36. Your card is beautiful, Michele!!! How about a tutorial on Copic markers?

  37. Your card is beautiful, Michele!!! How about a tutorial on Copic markers?

  38. This is beautiful!!!! How about time saving techniques?! Thanks for the chance!

  39. Beautiful elements.
    Some male quick cards would be great!
    Circle Sister: Tracy_ScrappinMom

  40. I was amazed at what you can do with cutters - never thought to use them since I have always been a die hard digital gal - would love to see a card that is a mini album that fans out when opened ;))

    ARlene Shipley
    ps - i love your honesty about the pain we often go through to choose our perception - to choose to be blessed - no matter what
    Being blessed is a choice
    AngeAID is a foundation for children with life-threatening diseases or situations (homeless, abused, foster care, etc.)

  41. Advise on choosing colours would make a good tutorial.

  42. A tutorial on time saving techniques would be beneficial

  43. Love your card!! Absolutely beautiful, as always! You have such an eye for colour and details. How do you pick your colours to be so pleasing to the eye? Do you have a specific theme? Which colour do you choose first and then how do you match patterns with light or dark? Would love to see a tutorial for colours. Thanks for all you do!
    Best wishes,

  44. Wow!!! What a beautiful Wedding card! Masculine cards seem to be the hardest for me. Do you have some input/tutorial that you can share with us about that?
    try god 20@ verizon dot net

  45. I LOVE your card! It is stunning! I would love to see a tutorial on how do an acrylic scrapbook.

  46. I love all the details of this card. Beautiful! I would love to see how to make the flowers on this gown. Beautiful.

  47. Beautiful card - cool give away. Thanks for both!

  48. I would like to see some paper flowers. These make such great emblishments and stand alone uses for parties and weddings and the like. Thanks!

  49. What a beautiful card. Thank you for the tutorial too. Very helpful. I would love to see tutorials on the coloring/shading as well. TFS.

    dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

  50. Hi! Very Nice card! i would love to see something on 3 dimensioal flowers and also Copics.

  51. I loved the tutorial. I have to make a wedding card for my niece and it is perfect. I would love to see some tutorials for beginnings on how to make dimensional flowers and how to do inking and shading.

  52. Love your blog and artwork!

  53. Love your blog and artwork. A great inspiration.

  54. The card is Fabulous! I am trying to get into the art of card making but I get distracted in making custom party supplies. That brings me a lot of joy! I LOVE my Cricut & have been wanting a Gypsy! So this would be wonderful to win!!!

    I would love to see tutorials on how to use the Gypsy, since I am new to the device! Thanks!

  55. My info didn't post so here is my blog! Thanks for the direction to Papers & Pixels! Their magazines are wonderful!!!

  56. Loved your card so I went over and registered at Paper and pixels. It was so easy and im looking forward to joining in some challenges

  57. Michele,
    thank you for introducing me to Paper and Pixels. I love it! As for tutorials, I would love to see something about mixing colors. I'm having trouble on what goes with what.
    And thank you for a chance to win
    wilsonp five eight at yahoo dot com

  58. Your card is beautiful. I would love to see more turorials on how to use copic markers and adding color to cards.

    brz352 at yahoo dot com

  59. Hi Michele

    Very beautiful card. I would like to have a shading tutorial with copics. Thanks for the opportunity to win this super blog fcandy.

    Have a nice weekend

  60. Beautiful card. I would love to see tutorials on Design Studio. There is so many tutorials out there on youtube on using the gypsy and not everyone can afford or has one, Design Studio is more of an affordable thing. I would love to see more manly cards, I struggle with them.
    Have not had time to look at the Paper and Pixels yet, I get that in my email normally. But, will look when I get a chance.
    Thanks for the chance at the gypsy.
    angel hugs

  61. Your card is gorgeous!! I love the hanger - what a fun touch!

  62. WOW, what a cool give a way. I don't have a cricut, but would like to have one someday.

    Your card is just beautiful!!

    I would like to see tutorials on coloring and shading with all three mediums- copics, pencils and shading with gamsol, and the watercolor crayons

  63. Your cards are great. I need a tutorial on using all the scraps.
    Just find your blog, love it. Hope to learn more on using Photoshop
    Thank you

  64. I feel blessed to have found your blog. Your wedding card brought tears to my eyes. My only daughter is getting married in January. This is the perfect card to make for her. Thank you so very much for sharing. I am looking forward to seeing your wonderful creations.

  65. I love your card!

    I'd love to see more tutorials on paper piecing, adding bits and pieces to put together cards, or multi-layering one piece to give it dimension and different color and styles.

    Thanks for the fabulous chance at your giveaway, it's an amazing one. I've subscribed because I sure don't want to miss out on your next inspiring posts!


  66. Wow! What a beautiful card. I would love to see tutorials on different flowers.

  67. I would love to see a tutorial on heat embossing. Thanks for sharing such a great new site.

  68. Already have the carts and gypsy, but wanted to let you know I LOVE your card! It is beautiful!

  69. Wow....your card is beautiful and the tutorial was awesome! I really loved the article's nice to know more about bloggers we visit daily!

    I think I would like to see some Gypsy tutorials. I don't have one yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  70. Thanks for sharing your lovely wedding card Michele! I am fairly new to Cricuts and cardmaking but would love to see more tutorials for pop up and even three dimensional cards. These just go so far beyond what you can find in the average selection at your stationery stores. Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

  71. What I would love to see is a tutorial on 3d cards. There seems to be a shortage of true 3d card tutorials that I can find. Another thing I would love to see is shaped card tutorials.
    I am completely new to Card Making and just trying to collect what I need to get started. This includes as many tutorials as possible. Your tutorial was great and so pretty.
    I am playing around with the idea of incorporating my love of fabric manipulation into card making.

  72. First off, Beautiful card by the way. Very stunning.
    2nd; thank U 4 aiming me in the direction of Paper's and Pixel's site.
    3rd; thank U 4 this wonderful opportunity on the great giveaway.
    As 4 me, well I would like 2 C a tutorial on making ribbon and paper flowers
    Thank U.

  73. What beautiful cards your use of colors and textures make them even more stunning. I would love to see a tutorial detailing how you go about designing a card from start to finish, from color and paper selection to finishing touches. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous work.

  74. Hi Michele, I took a peek and registered! Love the bride's dress!
    I would love to see more of you actually applying the glossy accents and the coarse glitter..
    Oh and I just love how the magazine displayed your card (my favorite of all time... the one with the chair!..I keep saying that I am going to scraplift that one!)

  75. Absolutely love your tutorial! I am so open to learning anything new. I was very impressed with your statement about how you should look at what your child can do, other than what they cannot do. I will remember that for the future. You are so awesome and your blog is so uplifting.

  76. I registered at P & P but was unable to find the tutorial. So, here is my tutorial requests: Imagine how to's and using my computer for hybrid scrapping on a budget. Thanks! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

  77. A Wonderful project. Well done and a great idea.
    I would love to see more 3D things. Things that can add pizazz to cards.

    THANKS for sharing.

  78. You card is totally amazing! I really like the little hanger :) As for tutorials, I agree with those about coloring with markers, but anything really that shows step by step instructions of any of your projects (especially videos)! Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. LOVE your card, Michelle!!! LOVE your tutorials -- I am open to learning all kinds of techniques ... from flowers to glitter to gifts for all people, young and old alike!!! I am praying for a Cricut Expression bundle to come my way!!! Thank you for sharing all of your talents and keep on with all of the wonderful work that you do!!!! ~Amy S.~

  80. Love your blog and directing me to Papers and Pixels. I posted to my blog about your blog and the Paper and Pixels blog. Since I didn't know about your blog or PP, I figured others didn't either. I would love to see a tutorial on making boxes out of chipboard. I see so many of the pretty boxes at Joann's and would love to recreate them myself. Thanks for sharing!

  81. Oh this type of tutorial is exactly what I'm looking for...more please? I love the idea of blending stamps, ink, cricut, and all of our fun crafting tools and accessories. Maybe even "the cricut meets mixed media"? Thanks for your generosity in sharing your tutorials and this giveaway. My dear daughter (age 6) and I spend hours with our cricut and would love to be able to share the gypsy as well.

  82. Loved the cards! Some vintage flower tutorials would be great. The flower on the popsicle card is great, and the gloss and the drips are so fun!

  83. Love all of your work and love the pics of your kids too. My sister is a special needs kid, now aged 53! She's taught us love and understanding and not looking at the outside of people, but the inside :) A true blessing for our family.

    On what to see, I like technique type learning - so any kind of iridescent techniques for textures, backgrounds, etc. would be fun to learn. I'm a glitzy type person who likes a lot of bling - glitter is my friend :)

    Lisa R. in East Texas

  84. Hi Michelle,

    I found you from my Cricut Cutter Digest and I am so glad I did! Your card is PHENOMENAL!!! :)That tulle and all of your special touches take it to the next level!

    I would love to see tutorials on cards with unique folds and mini albums.

    Thank you so much for sharing,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com

  85. Oh, my gosh! Thank you so much for providing such a great resource with Papers and Pixels. Your tutorial was highlight because I just love your card. You were clear and detailed - not an easy thing to do on paper. I was looking through your blog and noticed you used Tattered Angels. I would love to find out how you use Tattered Angels products on your Cricut creations. I have the misting sprays, too, but somehow it just doesn't look as polished as your Born to Fly card.

  86. What a beautiful card, thanks for sharing. I would like to see a tutorial on a home deco project.

    Later Tater,

  87. This wedding card is delightful! I would like to see how to create dimensional cards using techniques that make each layer "pop". I would also like to know how to attach little elements, little flowers, small rhinestones, etc. Thank you for a great tutorial.

  88. The wedding card is lovely. I would love to learn how to apply small dimensional objects, i.e. rhinestones, flowers etc. without dropping them! Also I would like to know how to make layers "pop" out from the layers beneath and the layers above for greater visual delight.

  89. I love your wedding creation and all the detail you added. I'm like a lot of the other gals needing help in shading and tips using Copics, pencils, etc....different mediums. I really enjoy making cards with lots of little touches of detail.

  90. Great job on the wedding card, it is beautiful and the tutorial was spot on for a newby Cricut user like me. Terry

  91. I forgot to leave on comment on future tutorials. How about on shading to bring the cuts to life!

  92. Gorgous card! Love the little hanger and all the glitter! I would love to see how you prepare, that's my hardest and most important! LOL

  93. Love it. Love it. Love it. As always.

  94. Wouldlove to see bow making tutorial and also any Cricut hints would be great too.

  95. That is fantastic!! I love that card! I would love to see a tutorial doing punch art!!!!!

  96. That is one of the most gorgeous wedding cards I've seen! WOW, it is so stunning! I love everything about it! I love trying new techniques so I would love to see tutorials on unique slide outs or folds or interactive cards...anything that is different from the norm and outside the box. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent and for an awesome giveaway! I'm a happy follower :)


  97. wowww michele! what a nice giveaway and the card you made is lovely!i appreciate the detail you gave showing the steps to designing the bridal gown card!
    thank you for a chance to win.
    PS: you have a lovely are very blessed. than kyou for sharing your talents with us!

  98. Gorgeous card! And thank you for the heads up about Paper and Pixels!

  99. Came from PaP. Nice card and great blog. I read the recent post using the copic airbrush system. I just broke down last year and have started to very slowly collect the pens. Now I'm thinking I might need to branch out to airbrushing as well. Any tutorials using copics would be great as I certainly haven't used them effectively yet.

  100. thanks for the link to P-To-Pixels!
    have you done a tutorial yet on photographing your art for your blog? that would be a big help!

  101. great idea!!! Love the way you did it and the tools you used

  102. First, Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!! You have such beautiful cards! I am also a scrapbooker who turned to cardmaking. Too much paper too little time. lol I love your tutorials, they have good pictures and simple directions. I love to see tutorials on new techniques or a new take on an old technique. Sometimes we forget some of the things we loved to do when we first started crafting and need a refresher on it. I also need direction when making cards, a favorite color, something a person collects or is interested in, that is why I love blog challenges, they help to focus me.

  103. This is simply a beautiful card! Thanks for sharing your talent, too !

    I would love to learn about shading, coloring, etc.

  104. beautiful card. tfs. i like seeing embossing techniques.

  105. Wowie!!! Love it! I'd love to see tutorials on coloring, especially Copics. The marker world is very scary to newbies, so a "beginners tutorial" series would be nice. :)

    cely_rohr at hotmail dot com

    and I'm already one of your followers. :)

  106. Thank you Michelle for the tutorial! Absolutely stunning dress and card overall. Even the hanger is divine. Can't wait to get started on it and I know just whom it's for.
    Thank you also for the opportunity for the blog candy (cricut gypsy).
    God Bless you and yours.


  107. ...oops, I forgot to tell you what kind of tute I would love to receive from you. I love fabric & textiles with my paper crafting and I would love to see something with your expert touch and creativity that featured this medium.
    THANKS (and sorry to take up so much space!)

  108. This is a beautiful card. Would like a tutorial on shading techniques.

  109. I forgot to sign in. My comment is shown as unknown. Again, I would like to learn shading techniques.

  110. This is a beautiful card and I always love tutorials on coloring technique. Like the others shading is one of my preferences. Also how would you advise a beginner to get started.

  111. Loved the card. Would love to win the candy

  112. Beautiful card!! I would love to see a video showing how you decide to layout your cards and pages. I have trouble deciding how to create my pages so the elements all fit together!

  113. Wow, this is a very elegant card. TFS.

    What I would love to see more is copic coloring. I want to get into copics but seeing that they are pricey, I want to see tutorials on it before I take the plunge.

  114. P&P brought me to your website after going through the July posting. Usually I just browse and this time I seen your wedding card and decided to see how it was made. I got married this July 4th and was thinking about using the wedding dress/veil in a scrapbook page layout. Your article in P&P really made me give my husband sitting beside me a hug. So many things can get dwelled on, but they should not be, especially after being reminded of all we have.

    I would love more tutorials on punch arts. They can be used on so many things! If you made one for a card it could be eaisly used as scrapbooking, decoration or a freestanding embellishment. I love punch arts because of that, however fall short in knowing how to make one without the tutorial.

    Anyway thanks for the giveaway, I know there will be one very happy crafter in a few weeks!

  115. Fabulous card. One thing I certainly struggle with is mixing and matching yummy patterned papers with an image that needs copic or whatever kind of colored. I always seem to stay with mostly cardstock or just one patterned paper.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  116. Your card is beautiful, Thank you for introducing me to Paper and Pixels. I would like to see maybe cards or scrapbook pages for men.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  117. Gorgeous card!! I always have trouble coming up with unique card layouts. I would love to see some tutorials on card design process and unique handmade dimensional flowers and embossing.

  118. I think others have said it, but there are just no better words - your card is stunning!!! I'd love a tut on finding inspiration when you have crafters block! Also I am new to Copics so anything with Copics!

  119. Beautiful card, thanks for sending me to Paper and Pixels!

  120. WOW!! AWESOME CARDS!! I LOVE your BLOG!! I had to check everything out!! Such a BEAUTIFUL style that you have!! =) THANKS for sharing and inspiring us!! =)
    I would LOVE to see more coloring and shading techniques!!
    THANKS for the chance to win have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  121. I'ma new follower, and just in time for this wonderful giveaway!!!! I would like to see a tutorial in water coloring with prismacolor crayons, is not that i don't know how to color, but would love to learn techniques, so I can use some digi stamps =0)

  122. Any bride would swoon if she got that card! So lovely!
    I'll chime in with everyone else and say more coloring tutorials! Copics, watercolor crayons/pencils, paints, markers, etc. We all need help with those!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  123. Your card is just beautiful.

    I would love to see more tutorials on layering and shading techniques.

  124. Absolutely LOVE your card. Simply elegant! How wonderful to have "found" such talent at your blog ~ have already passed it along to a group of 70! Thanks for all that you share. Would love to see a tutorial on working with backgrounds or adding embellishments.
    SusanJ in Atlanta

  125. WOW your card is just so beautiful. thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway.


    chrisandstef at sympatico dot ca

  126. What a great card! I have trouble shading so I would like to see more tutorials on shading. Thank you for a chance for such a great give-a-way.

  127. I love everything that you do and this is no exception. I didn't find the tutorial but will go back again to see if I can locate it. I should never check something out when I'm in a hurry to get somewhere. I love to use inks on my projects and would love to see tutorials on using inks as well as your signature use of glitter. I'm not sure what you do different but you do glitter like no other.

    Jami Larson

  128. Your card is absolutely gorgeous. I love seeing what you create and I hope with following your blog, one day my creations will be half as nice as yours. I would love to see a tutorial on shading or coloring with Copics. Thanks for the chance to win some very generous prizes.

  129. Absolutely gorgeous card, it's very elegant x

    johay at inbox dot com

  130. I'd love to see some Copic/Promarker colouring techniques as i struggle to blend my colours correctly.

    johay at inbox dot com

    PS i have become a followerer of your blog x

  131. What a gorgeous card. It would
    make a lovely keepsake for a
    special bride! I would be thrilled
    to win your fabulous prize
    Many thanks!

  132. Your card is beautiful. I am fairly new, so a tutorial on anything is appreciated, but I need help on coordinating colors and using embellishments.
    mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

  133. Thank you for a great tutorial and great new site of paper and pixels. I am new to this part of paper crafting working with the Gypsy - I could be your poster child - "if you can teach me, you can teach anyone"! Honestly, this is a great giveaway, would love, love, love to win, this would be such a great boost to my ever growing wish list. Thanks!

  134. This card is beautiful, you do such wonderful work!
    I would love to see more on coloring,shading with copics.


  135. I would love to see something made with punches.

  136. The card is beautiful so pretty. I would like to see more done with punches.

  137. What a pretty card and a great giveaway! I like just about any tutorial but really enjoy punches and of corse if I win I would love to see tutorial on the Gypsy! Thanks for the chance

  138. How fabulous. I'd love to win. Thanks for being so generous.

  139. Your card is stunning! I would like to see more tutorials on coloring and learn more on how to create different shading for certain time of day, Also would like to see more men (boy)ideas, Thank you for sharing and a chance to win.

  140. Oh my gosh sweetie...this is absolutely have given me lots of inspiration for an up and coming wedding card I need to make...WOW!I love tutorials, I learn so much from them...TFS! I don't any of those items...thanks for the chance! :) hugs x


  142. María Alba NegrónJuly 27, 2011 at 10:15 AM

    Hi Michelle.

    I loved this card, it is such an innovative idea and I also love glitter, so I am going to use this inspiration ad the basis of a card that I have to make for my friend's birthday. Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to enter in order to have a chance to win this give away! Keep up with the tutorials, most of the times I learn much more from a tutorial than when I pay money for a class!


    María Alba Negrón
    San Juan, Puerto Rico

  143. Your card is BEAUTIFUL! I would like to see tutorials on coloring and shading, using Copic markers and how to create colors that go well with each other. (I would like to be able to go outside of my comfort zone) I enjoy reading Paper and Pixels too.

  144. What a beautiful card. I am sure going to try making one like this. Thanks for the inspiration.

  145. Lovely cards...I really like the new carts coming out.


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