Tuesday, October 16, 2012

That's How I Roll.....

Since starting this little blog of mine in 2007, I have met some pretty amazing people.  Fellow bloggers who are artsy, who have shared their stories, listened to mine, and in doing so we have forged friendships.  I believe we all cross paths for a reason.  Every person plays a role in your life......some how....some way. Nothing is an accident.  I have been blessed.  I met a fellow artsy mom, Paula, who just happened to have a special needs daughter around Cortney's age.  We've e-mailed many times and bonded instantly.  Maybe it was having something in common, or the fact that she is just a funny, kind hearted woman who has taken what life has given her and turned it into lemonade. She does amazing work with vinyl and came up with the cutest T-shirts that celebrate our kids.  She made one just for Cortney.   Cortney loves her T-shirt.....and I love her T-shirt.!  So thank you dear Paula for this special gift to Cortney!
I used lots of Spellbinder's dies here.....from the Poloroid frame to the camera...to the flowers and leaves. (Spellbinder's Snapshot, and Foliage Two.) The sentiments are part of JustRite's Samantha Walker stamp set called, Ooh La La French Frills.....
I did a bit of masking with a Hambly screen and white paint.  I added a spattering of sequins too.  ; )

And since I am on a Cortney post today, I thought I'd share my girl doing her homework.  She is learning about density and had to do an experiment on whether objects would sink or float.  She is often a girl who is not very patient.  But for this, she stuck with it for nearly an hour and a half.  She was excited to make her predication and see if she was correct.  I couldn't have been more proud of her.  We are blessed that she goes to a school that expects her to learn.  She learns things in all academic areas.....and they push her to keep striving for her potential.  

So with that said, I have to share an exciting piece of news....Cort has her first photo shoot on Friday with a modeling agency.  I am, she is....super excited! I am also extremely nervous. I hope it goes well.......and she smiles her face off that day! : D


  1. That T-shirt is so cute and so perfect! The layout is gorgeous!! Wow!! And hearing about Cortney's science stuff is awesome! That was one of my favorite experiments too! So cool to see her excitement over learning!

  2. LOVE the adorable t-shirt, how sweet of your friend! Your layout is absolutely fabulous! So many perfect elements! Wishing Cort the very best with her shoot!!! How exciting!

  3. Love that shirt. I love the look on her face when she was happy about her experiment. It takes a special teacher to make learning interesting.
    I can't wait to see her modeling pictures. She has such a great smile and will do well.

  4. So cute ! I love your post, they've become a part of my daily routine; they brighten my days and your work encourages , and inspires me... so love the family shares... Bless you !

  5. Beautiful layout! Love that shirt and the color pink is perfect on Cort. When I saw how happy she was with her experiment I got very happy too. Today is going to be a good day. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  6. Had to pop in and comment how much I love this page - so cool and all about Cort :)

    Love how you record her doing this experiment - how fun! Look at her expression - priceless <3

    Good luck with the shoot - will be thinking about you both! xo

  7. Isn't it true about this online crafting community? I am constantly amazed at the kindnesses shown to me! With that being said - what a sweet gift for your daughter! It is so obvious that she loves it - and LOVE those photos of her doing her experiment!!! Best of luck with the shoot! If all the pictures I have seen on here are any indication - I can't imagine her doing anything but smiling!!!


  8. So gorgeous Michele.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  9. GREAT layout! LOVE the pictures of your daughter doing her homework. Honestly, I smile just looking at them. She just radiates joy -- have a great day. I'll be looking forward to reading about the photo shoot :-)

  10. Thanks for leaving a comment on my milk carton post. Your little girl is such a cutie. Good luck with the photo shoot...I have many pictures where one kid is smiling into the camera while the other one is frowning. Hehe. Have a happy day.

  11. Thank you for sharing and good luck with everything! My heart is always warmed by your family stories and the pictures you share with us. I feel like you've opened your home, heart and mind to us. It's a blessing.


  12. I need to make my boy one of those shirts. Yes I believe we all cross each others paths for a reason. :)

  13. Beautiful layout!! And I have to say, I love the Cortney posts! I love to hear about her, and see the pics... she's a beautiful girl!! With that smile, she's gonna do great at the photo shoot! This is so exciting!!!!! So happy for you...<3

  14. I have never seen a bad pic of Courtney so I know she knocked it out of the park at the photo shoot. As a Special Ed Department Chair, I am excited o see the lesson she is doing. That is so awesome! Love the layout. And you are fantastic too!


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