Sunday, November 25, 2012


What a busy week it has been!  Crafting has been put on hold for a few days to make room for Thanksgiving, shopping, decorating, and spending some much needed time with family.  I am finally feeling better.  I think maybe, not having to get up at 5:00 in the morning helped! ; )  I am spending my last day of vacation today in my jammies, making a few cards, and enjoying a bit of "me" time.  
I promise to get back to my normal crafting stuff tomorrow. 
But for today, I thought I'd share a few pics from Thanksgiving.....
My favorite guy and me.......
My big sis and niece.... 
My Mom and Father-in-law...... (dressed to cute!) 
My niece giving Myla a little puppy love..... 
My mom and George...... 
My sister and her family.... 
Where are my kids you ask?  Well Cort still wasn't feeling well at all.  She was fighting a cold and still having some GI problems.  And Kyle? Well he is a 15 year old boy.  
Enough said. ; )
Enjoy your Sunday!
I'll be back tomorrow with some crafty goodness to share!


  1. wow nice pictures, I can see the strong family connection! (sorry my english is rather bad but you know what I mean I hope)
    Enjoy your vacation, I do the same with my husband at this moment.
    Hugs Ageeth

  2. I love family time... nice pics!
    I always feel guilty when I have family pics on my blog ( heaven only knows why... it's My Blog... LOL ), but I often post family pics!
    Glad you are feeling better enjoy your me time !


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