Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Day Closer to Spring.....

Yep, spring is on my brain.  Even though our winter here in Chicago has been mild, I am looking forward to the warmer temps.  I want to go outside without putting 16 layers on! 

Since my mind is in spring mode, I thought I'd share a spring inspired card with you that I made for the Cricut Circle last year.  Now being the really organized crafter that I am (not), I would love to tell you the cartridge I used here........but I can't remember. I should know the cartridges by heart, but I don't.  As my kids in 5th grade would say......."My bad." ; )
Do you remember having those tassel things on your handlebars as a kid?   Mine were white and I loved how they flapped in the breeze as a I sped down the street! I created my very own with leftover Christmas tinsel!  
I will finally be able to share some exciting news with you!!!
But not today. 



  1. This is such a cute card! I love the tinsel. Very creative!

  2. Feelin' a little spring fever here today ... it was 80 today ... but it's coolin' off fast...
    cute card...brings back memories!

  3. I remember this card from last year. I loved it so much I tried to copy it. Ended up like those Pinterest posts where people write, "Nailed it!" and the product is NOTHING like the original. Your work is so fabulous I am happy if my copies are half as good! LOL

  4. So cute. I love this cute bicycle.

  5. This card is adorable! Love your creativity!

  6. This card is adorable! Love your creativity!


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