Monday, November 17, 2014

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas!

Good morning friends! It is a frigid morning here with temperatures only in the teens. It certainly feels more like January than November.  With Christmas surrounding me everywhere I turn, my creative mojo has been holiday focused!
I used this gorgeous St. Nick image from Crafty Secret's Vintage Christmas set.  He was stamped in brown. His face and cheeks were colored with Copic markers.  I added white flocking to his beard and hair.  I cut the image out with a Spellbinder's die. While the die was in place I sponged a bit of brown ink around the edges.
I wanted to "frame' the image with a pretty poinsettia.  I used my Silhouette to cut it out. I cut it with cream cardstock, misted it with water and shaped it with a mat and stylus.  I added a bit of pink with my Inktense pencils.  Before I assembled the flower I added glossy accents and sprinkled glitter to it.  Once it was dry I assembled the flower.  I glued it to the corner along with pretty coordinating ribbon and a few vellum leaves, also cut from my Silhouette.
As you know, Cortney loves to model.  Every single weekend she asks to model. So if we have nothing for an Etsy shop or boutique lined up, we play around in front of the camera.
Just a white backdrop with white tank top on.
And this is what I got.
Even with a spot of drool, I adore this picture of my girl.
Could her hand be posed any better than that? 
If you know anyone looking for a teen model, please let me know.
This is a tough business and even tougher for a girl with a disability. 
And if you haven't already, I would love it if you followed Cortney's new Facebook page!
I am off to bundle up and face the cold!
Have a great (warm) day!


  1. Michele, this card is magical! I love the color choices you made, the subtle touches of glitter and the wonderful holiday vibe! Photos of Cortney are beautiful, too. She is such a lovely young lady. Stay warm! xo


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