Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sing Out Loud!

Good morning!
It is hard to believe that it is nearly I sit here in long pants and a sweater! It is only 50 degrees here! So I will think warm happy thoughts to get me through the day!
I have a bright little bird to share with you.
He seems happy and most importantly......WARM! ;)
It is a cute set by JustRite called, Sing Out Loud.  I embossed it in white and colored it with my Spectrum Noir Aqua Markers. (Love these markers!)
I layered the image using various dies from Spellbinders.  I added ribbon and a few sequins to complete the card. 
#JustRite #Spellbinders #Spectrum Noir
I am heading out for a "date" with the husband today.  We celebrated 22 years of wedded bliss on Friday.  So we are going to a play, Billy Elliot, and then to a dinner where wine is served. ;) 
No laundry or cleaning for me today!
Have a wonderful Sunday! 
 (Even if it is quite chilly! BRRRR!)


  1. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful day. Hugs

  2. Oh Michele your card is so sweet!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your special night out.
    I love this card! That little bird just makes me smile. Your layers are just perfect

  4. Happy anniversary!! LOVE this! The layout is fantastic too! May I use this sketch if you dont mind?


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