Monday, August 29, 2016

Sunshine in my Heart!

Created by Michele Kovack

Good morning friends!  What a whirlwind of a week it's been!  I started my first week of school and my youngest moved back to college to start his sophomore year.  Brian and I are officially "empty nesters!" (again!)  So now I am trying to clean my house....because those of you with teenage boys, know that they aren't the neatest creatures on the planet! LOL!

Anyway in between laundry, disinfecting, and dusting, I managed to squeak out a card.  Yep, it's another image from Suzy Plantamura.  (Can you say obsessed?) I colored it with my Zig Clean Color Markers and added shadows with a gray Copic.  I also added some highlights with a white gel pen.
Created by Michele Kovack
It was a quick easy card!  
Thank you for stopping by! Have a great Monday!


  1. Such an awesome your coloring!

  2. Oh wow, it's absolutely gorgeous!! The colors are amazing!! They make the sentiment pop!! Love this!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Hey, you bought the collection so you might as well use it up! I'm loving every one of these sunshiny cards you've made, Michele. The colors in each are fabulous, and this one is so full of light and happiness. Those watercolors are brilliant! I can imagine it's been a crazy week. Hope you settle into the new school year comfortably.


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