Sunday, April 8, 2007

One Last Easter Project! What's the Next Holiday?

Well Easter is officially over....Didn't we just get done with Christmas? IT must be a sign that I'm getting older, because time just flies by! Anyway, I already posted the tin I made for my mom, now I want to post the clear can I made for my mom-in-law. I bought the tin at a local scrapbook store. I am having a brain freeze because I bought the stamp on-line and can't remember which site it was...if you know please post a comment! The stamp fits perfectly on top of the can. I stamped the image of the eggs several times on 3 different Basic Grey papers and cut them out. I pieced them back together and used my black Souffle pen to outline. I used the crystal dimensions glue on the eggs and added some Iridescent Ice. AS a final touch I used lots of ribbon for the handle. I LOVE that ribbon!

As a side note...I'm getting closer to the 1,000 mark. BLOG candy will be coming soon!!! :)


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