Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Winner of the Blog Candy....AND my anniversary card!

The Blog candy winner is..... JAYNE! She said, " Wow! What neat stuff you're giving away! You're a very talented lady. I really enjoy your blog. Congratulations! Send me your snail mail and I will get those goodies out to you! I have a surprise for everyone next check back!

This is my anniversary card to my wonderful hubby....of 14 years on May 29th! And yes he will whine if I don't make him a Hallmarks in this house. I stamped with the acrylic stamps from Heidi Swapp. I loved this Adore stamp! The flower and other words are from Close to My Heart. This was the first time I used the heat and stick powder....not sure I did it right! Some of my glitter is coming off....maybe this is an omen after 14 years of marriage.....losing our glitter? Any suggestions? (For the glitter....NOT the marriage!) LOL! The paper was from Foo Fa La and Creative Imaginations.


  1. You're to funny!
    I got the images today. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Especially for the extra ones! What ever you want, you got it....just let me know!

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary!! Your DH is going to love your card!

    Can't wait to hear your news. Enjoy the rest of your Memorial weekend!

  3. Happy Anniversary on Tuesday! Love the card you created. What a great blog you have here. Thanks so much for the comments you've made on my blog. I added you to my blog roll so I can check back on your creations often. Hope that's okay.

  4. Happy Anniversary! May you have plenty of anniversary blessings!

    I've only used heat and stick once and didn't like it. The Essential Glue pad is worth the $$'s. It's easy to use and works well.

  5. I love this card!! *VERY* nice!! :)


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