Sunday, June 3, 2007

Blog Candy Winners....I'm an aunt again!

Drum roll please....My 2 winners for the blog candy are Jami Speidel and Tania from Belgium! My hubby picked numbers 28 and 70! I really enjoyed reading all your creative answers! Thanks to all who was so much fun!

I wanted to introduce the newest member of our new nephew, Nicholas John! He was born on Saturday! A healthy little boy! My two sisters were due within weeks of each other! So I have one more baby to look forward to in the next few weeks! There is nothing better than a new baby! (By the way....I took this photo with my spankin brand new camera!!)


  1. Oh what sweet little tootsies! Congratulations!

  2. What a great picture although I am sure in time he won't think so. Congratulations

  3. Super sweet picture! Lucky you to get a new camera! Congratulations Jami and Tania!

  4. Baby toes! That is the sweetest little picture! Congratulations on becoming an aunt.

  5. Ohhhhhh my gosh!!!!!! I LOVE that photo!!!Congrats on being an aunt & getting a new camera!!!

  6. Congrats Aunt Michele!!! That picture is so cute!

    Thanks for the blog candy!!! I'm so excited that I won!!! Yipppeeee!!!

  7. Congratulations!!! Wonderful picture!

  8. Cute, cute picture!! Great job with your new camera...and congratulations!!

  9. Welcome here Nicholas! Love your photo of his adorable little feet! What kind of camera did you buy?

  10. Oh so sweet! Congratulations and blessings!


  11. Oh Sorry! Congratulations to you for becoming an Aunt again! Isn't it so fun having babies around!

  12. Don't babies have the sweetest little feet and toes? Actually, babies are just sweet all over! The photo you took is divine! You have a great eye for it.
    Congrats to Jami and Tania!

  13. Love the picture... what a great way to give a birth announcement! Congrats on being an aunt again! Babies are so exciting!


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