Monday, June 25, 2007

Text Boxed! Blog Candy & 101st post!

I got my Text Boxed set from Paper Trey....and I have to admit I was a little stumped at how to use it! I know I had seen all kinds of gorgeous cards out there using this set, which is why I was convinced I HAD to have it! When I opened it up I was suddenly at a loss. I'm still not sure I love this card....maybe cuz I'm scrappin so much right now and can't do two things at once! (Geesh, I sound like a man!) Anyway,

I pulled out some Wild Asparagus paper and Creative Imaginations paper. I inked the stamp with old olive, and the little flowers in Bravo Burgandy. I added a scalloped border at the bottom using my Martha Stewart punch. I added some rhinestones to the scallops and flowers. The sentiment is also from Paper Trey. I am on a, cut the sentiment up, kick! I used some sheer organdy ribbon left over from my sister's wedding 3 years ago!

Hey, guess what else? I reached 10, 000 hits AND today is my 101st post! WOW! Can you believe it? I know I never thought a single soul would ever care about the cards I made....and all of you wonderful ladies have proved me wrong! What a great feeling that is! Thanks for all the encouragement and kind words....they really mean a lot! OK, OK, enough of that....what does this mean? What else....BLOG CANDY!!! I will post it tomorrow!!! Did ya notice my new banner? Beth over at Freckled Fun designed it for me! I think she did a great job!


  1. Love your new banner its gorgeous!!!! and love your card too! congratulations on your 101st post

    Marlou x

    Northern Ireland

  2. The card is beautiful, love the color combo. Congratulations on your hits, your blog is great am a daily reader

  3. Stunning card! Lovely colors and everything. Jeps, noticed your new banner, it's cool! And keep those posts coming, I visit here daily.

  4. OMG......This card is fantastic!! congratulations on your 101 post!! Thank YOU for creating and sharing on your blog. It is a delight to see what you post!!

  5. Great card design! And great banner.

  6. This is beautiful! I don't think I've ever been to your did I ever miss it? You do great work. I also just read a comment you left for Heidi at Sweet Somethings about your new Nikon D40. I have one of those too and I LOVE it!


  7. Well, I think the card is fabulous! The DP is awesome and love the bling! :0)

  8. This is beautiful...where is my Text Boxed anyway?

  9. Beautiful!!
    Love the pp and colors.

  10. Love the new banner. The card is beautiful as well. I would change anything.

  11. I love this card! The colors are gorgeous and I love the scalloped edge. I didn't get this set because I knew I'd be stumped, even though I like all the cards other people make with it. Oh well, I still haven't played with my Green Thumb yet!

  12. Great job with that set! Love your lined school paper you have been using too! How fun!

  13. I kind of thought the same thing when I saw the new Papertrey set but that's not unusual for me. I'm easily confused. LOL!

    Congrats on the hits.

  14. This is such a cute card. You have so many wonderful elements, that just accent this Papertray image! The little fern is adorable, and the colors are great.

  15. Oh my goodness this card is so very, very pretty. You rock!

  16. This card is gorgeous. I love how you combined the vintage-y feel with this brand new set of stamps. Great idea.
    We can celebrate 10,000 hits together -- just hit that mark myself. Congrats!

  17. Congrats on your Posts and your Hits! I love all of your cards, they are so beautiful.

  18. Not sure if you like it? How could you not?? This card is just beautiful!! :)

  19. I definately card about the cards you make -- they are fantastic. Congrats on the hits. Love the new banner -- too cool.

    Your card is fabulous, how could you wonder?

  20. What's not to love about your gorgeous card?'s really awesome, Michele!

    Congrats on the hits and posts. Your new banner is beautiful as well!

  21. First I'd like to say I just LOVE this card and I'd also like to say congrats Michele on the 10,000 hits plus the 101 posts!! Great job!

  22. my gosh this card is absolutely gorgeous! Love everything and you made me want that stamp set!

  23. Such a beautiful card!! I love that paper! Great job with this set!

  24. This is absolutely beautiful - love this style, very inspiring!

  25. Gorgeous!! Love your new banner it's so pretty!

  26. You're such a silly girl - how could you possibly think nobody would care about your cards! I love your creations, no wonder you hit 10k! Congrats!! (and I also LOVE this card!)

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