Thursday, August 16, 2007

PUG LOVE! and some tasty blog candy!

Michelle Weaver, Princess Matilda Loves to Stamp, sent me these cute Pug images, knowing I had a Pug named Bruno. I colored him in using my PRisma colored pencils and Gamsol. I looked at Bruno's picture to try and reproduce his coloring. He has a black face, which is a challenge, because when you are coloring you risk "losing" his eyes and nose! So I colored his snout a dark grey leaving some lighter shades. I used a little crystal effects on his nose. (Dogs' noses are supposed to be wet right?) I had this cute dog bone paper and just kept layering. I used the Fiskars rub on plates for the little paw prints. I used my scalloped heart punch on a shrinky dink and colored the back of it for color. IT actually looks better in person, it is a bit dark in the picture. I added some SU! hardware and a ribbon. Well Michelle, I hope I did this image justice! I sure tried! Thanks!

Since I am on a Pug kick I thought I would share this Layout with you. This is Bruno. I took these pics outside during the summer and thought they came out pretty well. The paper is Daisy D's, Creative Imaginations (I told you I use this paper A LOT!) . I used some Heidi Swapp tape and a Wild Asparagus title The paw prints were done with flock. His name is spelled out with some old chipboard from Lil Davis. See the tiny print of Bruno enclosed in the B? I had that done at a cool place on line called Moo Prints. Ever heard of it? They make tiny pics about the size of a microscope slide. They make 100 of these in a cute little box for $19.99. (You can choose 100 different pics!)
And last but not least, I won blog candy from Joslyn from, Here is What I Do. She is an amazing photographer and paper crafter. Check her blog out! Thank you so much Joslyn! I love everything! I even used the hardware on the Pug card above!


  1. awwwwwwww how gorgeous is that stamp ....... great card too! We used to have a pug years ago ..... my DD would love one again!

  2. Too cute, love your coloring and that background paper.

  3. I have to have that Pug Dog stamp! It's so awesome!!

  4. Awwwwwwwwwww....that pus is just adorable! You did a great job coloring him. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the blog candy :O)

  5. Love your card. Oh my I love your pug!!!! I am a big fan of pugs myself and hopefully one day I can adopt one!!! :)

  6. You color it just like Bruno! Super cute!

  7. OH how adorable! That pug! I'm allergic, but he's still cute! :)

  8. You're right her pictures and cards are fabulous! Thanks for the link.
    These are great, and that pug card is adorable.

  9. Love all the pugly goodness!
    The LO rocks girl, keep it up.
    I have been meaning to get some of those tiny prints, oh heck, I've been meaning to get any of my pictures printed. LOL

  10. Oh my goodness!!!!! I have to get that pug stamp! My best friend has two pugs...they come over often to play with my hound and my weimarainer....Must....Get....That....Stamp! :)

  11. What a face to love!!! Cute layouts.congrats on the blog candy!

  12. This is such a cute card. Love all your cards of late -- everything is just so beautiful!

  13. That card is truly awesome - the coloring is unbelievable! He is a cutie too! TFS - *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  14. Love this Pug! Yuu did a great coloring job! You captured the breed so well! New challenged just posted, come check it out! Deb

  15. Your card is've certainly done the image justice! I love the paw print embossing, and the papers.

    Your page is super too! Yummy candy.

  16. Awwww!! Both SO cute!!

    Thanks for entering my blog candy, I've announced the winners!!

  17. Awww. What an absolutely adorable card!!!

  18. Awww...this card and your doggy are just adorable!!

    I'm looking for a really good cat stamp, that has the same overall design/look to it as this pug--do you know where she got this stamp?

  19. Oooh! I love the pug card and the layout! *Supa* cute!! ;)

  20. OMG!! I LOVE that pug stamp and the card is absolutely adorable!! I must have that stamp!! As a woman who is owned by two pugs, I must tell you that Bruno is too cute! Love that picture with the tooth sticking out! We get that same look from our pugs all the time!!


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