Friday, August 10, 2007

Whipper Snapper!

I bought this Whipper Snapper stamp awhile ago and have been wanting to use it. I just adore their stamps! I stamped him in Pallette Noir, burnt umber. I colored this cute turtle in with my Copics. I added cool grey around his body to add a shadow. I added some stickles to his flower. The paper is from DCWV. It is hard to tell in the picture....cuz for some reason it kept on coming out dark, but I did some sewing as well! I ran upstairs to see who the Friends sentiment was didn't have the name on the stamp. It was a set of 4, and none of them had a name on them! So for now, it shall remain a mystery! I do know the punches were Creative Memories and Martha Stewart. I distressed, added brads, some ribbon, and voila!


  1. Well the moment your card popped up in my google reader I immediately got a smile on my face. This stamp is too cute, love the card.

  2. Love the little turtle, I may need ya to stamp a few for me...*wink*

  3. Aww, sweet card!!

    Love that Whippersnapper stamp :)

  4. Hi, Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. I love the cute! Please send me your addy. I'll send you what you asked for in the mail. *wink*
    Blessings ;)

  5. This is SO pretty! LOVE the coloring. :)

  6. Your coloring is fantastic! What a great card. Love the expression on the turtle's face, too cute!

  7. This just screams ADORABLE! Love it! What a great job coloring, loving those copics as much as I do!

  8. What a cute card- I love the colors too! The ribbon ties in perfectly! Nice work!!

  9. What a great stamp and card design. You've got some talent there girly.

  10. YAY! You're back! Glad you had a fun vacation, those bubbles photos are so sweet! Love the turtle, you're definitely rockin the copics!

  11. How cute! Mr Slowski is just too adorable. Maybe he would like some Swedish Fish!!!

  12. He is to adorable! Beautiful card!

  13. This turtle is so stinkin cute! Great job with the Copic's too! Love your blog! I will be stopping by often! Deb

  14. This card is just so cute and adorable. Love it!

  15. So cute...and your coloring is awesome! Wow!

  16. This one's amazing!!! Love that image, and your coloring is wonderful!

  17. Your card is simply adorable. Sorry I haven't visited for a while. Things will slow down next week when school starts again.
    I love your work and can't wait to drop in more often. Hugs and smiles


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!