Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gearing up for Christmas!

This cute little guy is from Inky Antics. I purchased him from Eclectic Paperie. I colored him in with my Copics. I stitched him onto pink felt. The Christmas paper is from K & Company. I used my vintage ribbon from Pine. many of you know I had a 2 hour Halloween party for 20 fifth graders.....What the Hell was I thinking? It was sunny all day until it was time for the party. OF COURSE! The one thing all of them can agree on is the outdoor scavenger hunt. Which you can NOT do in the pouring rain! Soooo we tried filling time with Win, Lose, or Draw.....boooorrrring! Mummy wrap.....lasted all of 2 minutes, POP the Balloon with Your Butt game.....lasted all of 2 minutes! So what did we do for the remaining hour and 45 minutes? Wellllll we tried telling scary stories, Hot potato, and Charades. The kids were complaining they were bored and to be honest so was I. Fortunately, we got a 20 minute reprieve from the rain. So we did our Scavenger Hunt. That was the longest 2 hours of my life! I am so glad it is over!


  1. Such a cute penguin! and the lace looks fab with the felt!

  2. your card is amazing!!! love how you stitched the stamped image onto your felt, and i adore the penguin!!! xx

  3. Oh my! this card makes me smile!!! So darn cute! Love the felt on there too!

  4. What a cute card! Love all the great elements - really nice!

  5. wow your last 3 cards are beautiful. Thanks for the well wishes.


  6. He is too cute and love the felt and stitching. Great card

  7. Great purchase...
    Love the penquin stamp! cute
    He snuggles in well with your lace and felt.
    Great Card!!


  8. 2 hours with kids is like a week in grown up time!! LOL
    Love the little penguin.

  9. Gorgeous card, that stamp is so cute and I love the stitching

  10. Wow. How in the world do you get your stitches to look so nice? I'm assuming maybe it's the thread you're using? Please let me in on your little secret : )

  11. Michele--you know your work is fabulous, right? Your blog is a visual feast. Gorgeous!

  12. love your card.

    You've been tagged!! http:// stamp-n- scrap. blogspot. com/

  13. love the penguin! what a cute card!

  14. OMG! That penguin is so cute and you did a fantastic job at coloring him too!! AWESOME!! Love it! Hugs! Ash~

  15. I need to get busy on my cards too! Your penguin card is so adorable!! I love the sewing, sparkle and lace!!


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