Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Is this not the CRAZIEST snowman you ever did see?

There is a new line of stamps by Peachy Keen. They are acrylic stamps and I got hooked on them by fellow blogger, Regina Easter. I ordered this snowman, because it just made me giggle! What is up with that hair? I colored him in with my Copics and added some glitz with my Sakura gelly roll glitter pen. I added some "snow" flakes I bought at Michaels. The sentiment is actually a sticker. It was in a kit I ordered a Christmas scrapbook kit from Noel Mignon. Her kits ROCK! The paper is by Daisy D. I also added some dew drops from Ellen Hutson's store.


  1. Adorable Michele - I love ALL snowmen!! I am sooo glad I got a chance to pop over to your blog and see all your wonderful creations, I have missed it! Have a wonderful holiday! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  2. What a great card, love the hair on your snowman, great stamp

  3. Oh, he's super cute! and so is your card :)

  4. Adorable card! I'm going to go broke for sure if I don't quit looking at everyone's creations with all these new stamp companies and stamps! I can't decide where to start ordering! This one is really cute!

  5. Cute card. That snowman is a very unusual one to say the least, but he's cute...

  6. What a cutie!! Love the card! :0)

  7. Oh gosh darn it! I'm so mad at you right now!!! I just had to wander over to peechy keen and....well, let's just say, Norwood will be happy to know he doesn't have to brave the stores to get me an x-mas gift. You are so bad!

  8. what is with that snowman's "hair"?
    weird! Are they supposed to be braids?
    Love the snow though...beautiful.

  9. Your snowman is just what the doctor ordered this morning, something to make me smile. He is so adorable. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Holiday Season.

    Carol Lee

  10. Awww...actually I think he's about the CUTEST snowman I've ever seen! :) I {HEART} your card!

  11. This snowman is adorable! i love his spiky hair do. Your coloring is also getting on fantastically! It's amazing to look at our progression from when we start something new to now when we have more experience. I was noticing how fantastic your coloring was on the above card!

  12. Hey, her hair looks a whole lot like mine!

    Great card!


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