Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blog Candy Winner.....

The winner of Kyle's birthday blog candy was.....

Alexandra! She said.....

Happy birthday - he is so handsome! And no, you are not the only one! My baby just turned 11 on the 16th of January, and my oldest will be 19 in March and left for college this past summer. I have yet to recover - I am definitely not one of those moms who can't wait for her kids to leave, I love having them around, doing things with them, loving them! I am very close to my three and every birthday I cringe knowing they are getting a year closer to leaving my "nest"! So, enjoy him and all his fun little personality things that make him special!! Great blog candy too Michele - very great to offer this on HIS birthday! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Send me your address, so I can get your goodies out to you!

**Home today with the kiddos. Kyle is still running a fever and Cort is coughing up a I am home from work. I woke up this morning to a note from hubby that read, " How about doing some laundry?" *sigh* ........ a woman's work is never done......


  1. congratulations Alex!!!! well done you :) x

  2. Home????!
    Hope your house is on the mend soon, now get to that never-ending laundry! LOL

  3. Holy Smokes! I won????? It's my birthday today too - yippeeee!!!!!!! Sending you my information - whoohoo! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  4. Congrats to Alexandra on winning the blog candy. I hope that your kids are feeling better soon. Hopefully between taking care of your children and doing the laundry you will have a few moments to craft some goodness to post. Hang in there!

  5. So sorry about your 'empty nest' syndrome ! It must be hard to see them grow up and then start with their own lives. How many aquarians are there ? It was Vince's birthday two days ....I'm surrounded ! LOL Congrats to Alex and happy birthday wishes too ! Fab X

  6. Oh my! So sorry to hear he's not doing well. Hope all is better today! :)

  7. You should leave your husband a note and say "Oh, thanks honey! You're so wonderful. It would be awesome if you did some laundry!" Men!!

    Love your pig. He is so cute, and I'm so sorry you've still got two sick kids. Did you get more snow, too?


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