Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dusting off the 'Ole Stamps!

I bought this stamp ages and ages ago. I thought it was so funny! I have always loved Charlie Brown! Maybe because I have a little Charlie Brown inside of me! (Life keeps pulling that "football" from under me! LOL!) I used my Copics to color the image. I am not sure who the stamp is by because it is currently buried under piles of crap! The paw print stamp is by Hero Arts. The patterned paper is by A 2 Z Essentials and the solid green is by Basic Grey. I used a soft gelly photo corner by KI Memories.
I received this award from Sophia Landry over at Moonlight Inker. I am so glad that I am able to bring a smile to someone's face!Thanks so much Sophia! Who by the way, has thee most awesomest cards! (YEs, I AM a teacher!) Her coloring is to die for!

Who are the people that cheer me up and crack me up all of the time? Off the top of my head I would have to say, Simone and Mary Ann! I wish I was able to express my creatively as these two ladies! If you are ever feeling down, go visit their blogs, they will instantly bring a smile to your face......or doubled over in laughter.....or spitting milk out of your get the idea!
This next award was given to me by Wanda over at My Creative Corner! I am honored that she nominated ME! I have a hard time awarding this to others because so many of you have already received it and it is sooooo hard to choose. I have a list of favorites a mile long! It is such a great hobby because all of us possess such awesome talents! And we get to share them with each other! So consider yourself chosen! : )

Thanks so much for checking in with me today!!!


  1. Adorable card and the stamp is so very cute! I have a hairless pink dog I need that stamp LOL!

  2. I love that Charlie Brown card...! so cute..and what are Copics, btw? and I know what you mean about the football thing, but it's all good if you keep getting back up, isn't it! :-)

  3. This card is adorable, wow you have won some great awards, congratulations.

  4. Boy Michele, you were busy last week. I just love this card. Charlie Brown and Snoopy were always one of my favorites. Glad everyone is feeling better. BTW, can you guess what I just had to order this time? It's a sickness!

  5. Super super cute card. I just got a Snoopy Valentine from my son this morning. Too bad we don't see more of Charlie Brown! Love your blog!!

  6. very cute, I've never seen a snoopy stamp before, love it!
    You're blog is most excellent too, man did that sound like bill and ted or what?!
    No camera?!!
    Wha...??? I'll pretend I didn't hear that! See ya tomorrow.

  7. I love this card - I am a huge Peanuts fan and have some cute stamps that I have never used....hmmmm....maybe I should! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  8. What an awsome card!! Love that stamp and yup, I'm a big charlie brown fan!!

  9. This stamp cracks me up! Sometimes I ask myself that same question! ;) TFS!!!

  10. I like Charlie Brown and Snoopie! THis is darling!

  11. This is an Adorable Card!!
    I love the Charlie Brown theme..
    Cute Stamps.
    We used the Charlie Brown theme
    for our yearbook.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. and sooo well deserved...I love your Charlie Brown card:)x

  13. Super cute card!! I really love Peanuts!!

    Congrats on your awards!! You are so deserving!!

  14. Are you kiddin'? This Charlie Brown card is terrific! Deb

  15. Michele, your CB card is so cute! I love CB and Snoopy! You do such great stuf!!

  16. Just stopped by to pay you a visit & want you to know that I LOVE your Peanut's card. I've always been a fan. My husband's pet name for me is Spike (named after Snoopy's brother, Spike, who lives in the desert) Both my sister's have always called me Lucy because I'm their bossy older siter who reminds them of Lucy:) I have some Peanut's images too & I'd be happy to mail you some images from my stamps. Send me an email if you'd like a stack of them & I'll get them right out. Thanks for sharing this cute card.


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