Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Are Ya Ready for Summer?

I don't know what it is about High Hope's images, but I think they have to be the cutest images ever! I love that the animals act like humans! (Sorry Simone, but I do! LOL!) Who else could create a stamp with a beaver laying in a raft drinking lemonade? I colored this guy in with my Copics. The paper is by Bazzil. I think the sun paper is by Flair, but I am not positive. I added some ribbon and Dew Drops. I can't wait until the day when I can float around my pool, drinking drinking beer lemonade!


  1. totally cool! love the sentiment!

  2. Great card! Right now here we would talk about swimming in snow ! :) LOL It's a warming card!

  3. we are so so ready for summer around here.

  4. uh you were right the first time...beer...lol..love the card and yes I am..!

  5. What a face on that critter! So adorable and your coloring is perfect. I love the papers you used, the bright colors. Very nice on a grey day!

  6. This card is darling....you have summer down pat. Love it. Jennie

  7. SUPER CUTE!!! I love this...and yes I'm ready for summer! BTW: I updated the Treehouse website and used your dino and little girl card! Check it out: www.treehousestamps.com

    HUGS! Ash~

  8. I could only wish for a pool and some "lemonade" with an umbrella drink!!

  9. so where do I get these HIgh HOpes stamps? My hubby collects beavers and he has a bunch but always looking for new ones. it has something to do with his boy scout group.

  10. this is co cute, love that stamp!!!

  11. hurry...get a broom, a net...there's a beaver in the pool!! lol
    That'll be me on Friday....less the big front teeth! lol

  12. Love the colors! I am totally a winter, snowy kinda girl, but after the winter we had I am kinda lookin forward to some summertime.

  13. Beer, lemonade, beavers, humans...whatever, let's just get on with summer!

  14. I'm ready after seeing this card...very cute!

  15. This is definitely a great summertime card. Love the bright sunny colors. Thanks for sharing!

  16. This is absolutely adorable, love the orange and yellow, the sunshine paper and the ribbon. This little guy certainly is adorable!!! So bright and cheery, love it!!

  17. Your card is super cute! Love the image. I am a real High Hopes fan too!

  18. Totally cute card! Love the orange! :)

  19. OMG! This card is tooooo cute,love the bright colors and he's adorable! I too love High Hopes stamps,they're one of my fav stamps.

  20. Fabulous card ,love the stamp and the colours ,Dawnxx

  21. I am SO ready for summer...first Spring but tired of winter!

  22. Yes, I'm ready for summer!! This is a cute card. Nice colors.

  23. Great card! I love it. The colors are perfect! I am so ready for summer, I can't wait!!!

  24. That is so cute, and I love the colors and Dew Drops!! I'm ready for summer (or at least the warmer weather).

  25. I am so ready for summer and this card helped!

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