Monday, March 17, 2008

BBTB Challenge AND a new set of wheels for Cort!

The challenge over at Bitten By the Bug, was to use the Doodlecharms, bunny cut. I cut her out in pink and cut the shadow in black. I used my sewing machine to stitch the two together. I added some googly eyes, eyelashes, whiskers, and Doodlebug flowers. (Hey what a coincidence! Doodlecharms cartridge, Doodlebug flowers.....Yes, I am a weird gal at times! LOL) Anywhoo, the paper is by Memory Box. The scalloped paper is by Creative Imaginations. I've had this black paper clip forever and finally used it up! I stamped the sentiment with Karen Foster's Snap Stamps.
If any of you read my blog on a regular basis you may know that Cortney needed a new wheelchair. The old one she had since the age of 5. And yes she will be 13 soon! We ordered it back in September of 2007! It is a pretty extensive process because we needed to write letters of medical necessity and get approval from the insurance. The vendor met with Cort's therapist to find a chair suitable for her needs. We made a list, submitted it, got approval, and the chair was ordered. In November, I got a call saying it was ready to be delivered. Well.... the minute the vendor brought the chair in the door, I did a big, "Uh OH!" EVERYTHING we had ordered for her was completely WRONG! Down to the color and EVERYTHING! IT was a huge disaster and the chair had to go back! So I proceeded to call the manager, and we had a 3 way conversation on the phone about what was wrong and how this was going to be corrected. The manager apologized and gave me his word that it would be corrected. IT was supposed to be in by the end of January. I gave it until Feb. 13th and then I called. I wasn't able to get a hold of the manager for a couple of days. So I called HIS boss. She called the next day to inform me.........the chair had NEVER been ordered! "WHAT?!!!" Are you freaking kidding me?" Needless to say, I was livid!!! Everyone had passed the buck to someone else and it never got ordered. She assured me it would be taken care of. A new vendor came out to remeasure her (Cuz it HAD been many months since the original measurement) and then order the chair. FINALLY, this past Friday she got it! The new vendor spent lots of time making sure it fit her correctly and thankfully it does! Of course that night after giving Cort a bath I asked her what she wanted to do.....She stated, "Watch a my OLD chair!" LOL!
No long lengthy stories about my guy. Just the usual 11 year old stuff.....happy one minute, and crabby the next......gotta love puberty kicking in! HE is still pretty cute though........

Thanks for visiting me today and reading my long tale of woe! : )

I 've been tagged by Terri.....I will post tomorrow, since I have rambled enough for one night!


  1. What a sweet Easter card.
    Love it!
    How disgusting for things to go the way they did with Cort's new chair. It is amazing how people just pass the buck and put things in the 'too hard' basket.
    Fabulous that now she has her new chair.
    Puberty - yuck, have fun with that!!

  2. Thank God it all finally worked out with the new wheelie! Love the bunny card! Have a great week! Deb

  3. Your bunny card is so lovely.I made also a card for the challenge.You can see him overhere

  4. What a beautiful card..I love the stitching on it Michelle...Glad!!!you finally got the chair you needed....How funny are kids tho!!!:)
    Your 11 year looks like he`s a lot of fun>>>:)x

  5. Love the Easter card with the bunny on it, so cute.

    Glad you got your daughters' chair sorted out in the end. Nothing is ever simple and straight forward is it?! At least you got there in the end.

    Not looking forward to Josh hitting puberty, he's moody enough now and he's only 9! Lol!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment, it's always nice to meet another "special" mum who's a crafter too!

    Fe x

  6. This card is sooo cute!!Love that big bunny! So glad you got things worked out and finally got the chair!!

  7. Glad to hear that the chair FINALLY arrived!
    Love the bunny card. :0)

  8. Great bunny card! Admire the sewing especially :D What a cute son you have, and your daughter as well. What a long drawn-out process that was!! I hate that when people don't care and just pass things on to someone else. I've been there--I just kept giving them the benefit of the doubt and waited and waited and finally when I called, it hadn't even been ordered. GRRR!! :D BUt, I'm so glad it all worked out for Cortney. Hope she gets to liking it soon! Sometimes that "old shoe" feels much better! Take care and have a very happy Easter!!

  9. What a cute bunny card!!! Glad everything was worked out and your daughter got a great new chair!! :)

  10. Love your adorable card!

    Congrats to Cortney on her new set of wheels. Soon she will love her new chair and never request to sit in her old one.

  11. Awesome happy for Cortney! Hopefully it will be worth the wait! Thanks for the email...can't wait to see what you put out next!! Take care!

  12. Oooooohhhhhh. That's horrible!!!! I cannot beleive you had to go trough so much to get a new wheelchair for your daughter! I'm really happy to see that it's all settle now and well it's kind of funny that she wants her old chair but easy to understand since she was used to it for so long.
    Have a great day! :)

  13. Love that cute bunny card, Courtney looks very happy and comfortable in her new chair, glad that everything worked out.

  14. Adorable card! Sorry you had all that confusion to deal with concerning the chair! Oh my. . .that had to be frustrating!

  15. Absolutely Adorable Easter Bunny Card!! I don't have the doodlecharm
    cartridge...but will add it to my

    ** Glad things worked out okay and Cortney got her new chair.

  16. Cute card!

    You have such beautiful children, you are truly blessed!

    Glad she finally got her chair. Too funny about wanting to sit in the old one!

  17. Whew... glad you hung in there with getting her a new chair. Isn't it just like life for her to want to hangout in her old one. ;-)

    Cute card.


  18. Your Easter card is adorable! So happy to hear Cortney's new chair is working out, and thanks for sharing the fabulous pics!!


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