Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Treehouse Stamps!

This is one of Treehouse Stamp's newest releases! I love this set! I stamped the rocks, grass, and dinosaur with Palette Noir in Black. I colored her in with my Prismas and Gamsol. The dinosaur paper is by Flair. The sentiment is by Treehouse and reminds me of a "Flinstone" font! I added some beads and stitching! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!


  1. This is so cute! You're right that it has a Flintstones look to it. :)

  2. This is adorable - definitely vintage Flinstones, lol! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  3. Love this dinosaur, he is great, wonderful card.

  4. what a cute card, love the dino dp

  5. This really is a darling set and wonderful card that you have made with it.

  6. very cute card..I love those colours:)x

  7. Oh my word! Totally adorable! Off to check it out!

  8. Very cute! I couldn't find that set on their site. Maybe I am just website challenged today. :(

  9. Hey Michele! :) I love your cards!! BTW: I just wanted to let you know that this set isn't out yet... We are releasing every Friday this month and this one will be available in the upcoming month. So will the little country set, baking set, and other little sentiments. If it isn't on the website currently...then keep your eye out this Friday, the 21st, and 28th! Hugs! Ash~

  10. I can't wait until these sets come out. Great job Michele on being a guest designer. These cards are cute!

  11. Just the CUTEST dinosaur...
    yes.. it does remind me of
    "DINO" from the Flintstones.
    Nice coloring..I like using the Gamsol. Cute paper by flair.
    Simply Adorable Card!!

  12. Super cute dinosaur! My boys would really love him!! (I do too!)


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