Monday, May 12, 2008

My Not So Perfect Soldering!

My mom and step-mom requested some bookmarks after seeing the teacher ones I had made a week ago. So for mother's day I made each of them one. Both images are from Lockhart Stamps. They were both colored in with Copics. I cut the squares to a 1 x1 size. I soldered the pieces with no problem. I even got my edges a bit smoother. I EVEN got the bottom jump ring on without using swear words! LOL! But.......The top filigreed piece was a different story! I could NOT get the solder to NOT go in the crevices. When I would heat it up again, the whole filigreed piece would fall off. After an hour or so of putzing I gave up. So don't click on it to make it larger, or you will see my not so perfect filigreed topper.......*sigh*
Anyway, I also decorated a little tin to go with the bookmark. That was much easier than the soldering! LOL!


  1. What wonderful Mother's Day gifts.
    They look fabulous.

  2. Your bookmarks and tins turned out wonderful, Michele!!

  3. Well, that will teach you to be all fancy schmansy with the filigree tops! Just kidding! I love these bookmarks and I'm sure they were a hit!

  4. I love your bookmarks Michele! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  5. These are totally awesome! Think you're being a little too hard on yourself - I see nothing wrong with them! What a sweet gift! Love that coffee mug by Lockhart stamps!

  6. beautiful creations since I last visit Michelle...Hope your having a great week:)x

  7. These are great, love the bookmarks and their packaging, those tins turned out fantastic.

  8. These are beautiful!! No way my husband or myself would trust me soldering!!

  9. These turned out so nice! I wanna try doing these soon. It looks like it would be fun. What a nice gift idea...

  10. You can solder WAY better than I can! I think these are super cute, love 'em.

  11. These bookmarks are awesome! Do you take orders? I have several women in my family that love to read an would love something like this. Or can you tell me how you solder?

  12. Very cute! love the matching tins!

  13. Oh, I just love love love it~the tins are perfect*!*

    (you're just so darn crafty :)

  14. wow, i love these.......great job...

  15. These are so wonderful! Love the coffee! :)

  16. i love the bookmarks. so cute!

  17. I love it! Anything to do with coffee gets my vote and it certainly doesn't hurt with jewelry! TFS!

  18. Michele, I think you did a great job on these! Honestly, I have a hard time keeping solder out of that small scroll shape as well. I think I've had to take every one I've used off, and replace it with either a larger scroll or a jump ring. :-? If I figure something out, I'll let you know!

  19. I like things that are not perfect and these turned out beautiful.


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