Friday, July 25, 2008

Update and Journaling 101 online Course!

I just wanted to update you on Cortney. She had her X-rays today and her hips looked ok. Not dislocated....what a relief! Her left leg turning in is coming from the top of the leg and hip, and the only way to correct it is with surgery. At this point in time, we are opting to wait. We saw a new neurologist today. She recommended the geneticist there. I told her that I had already seen him a couple of years ago and he had nothing new to offer me. (We technically don't have a reason or diagnosis for Cort' s disability. (We use CP for insurance purposes.)
She will recommend to him that we do further chromosome testing. (Subchromosomes) and metabolic panal and some other test I don't remember the name of. We are going to do all of this in January. It was all emotionally always is. 13 years with no reason behind this little girl's disability....*sigh*

Anyway, on to better and brighter news! I told you a couple of weeks ago that I am a DT member for Erika Martin's on-line journaling course?! She has me spotlighted on her blog. It includes how me "met" and a page I did on Cortney. She says the sweetest things that really touched me. She is a mom of a special needs boy and we connected instantly! She is an amazing mother, advocate, and artist! I am honored to be a part of her team!

The Stampin' Mama Journaling 101 Online Scrapbooking Course is just about full, but there are still a couple spaces left. You can still get in if you hurry!
If you've been thinking about taking this course and you want to take your scrapbooking and journaling to the next level, make sure to check out the course information and register today!
Click here to find out more ---> The Stampin' Mama Journaling 101 Online Scrapbooking Course

***Just a reminder! BLOG CANDY BELOW!

Have a great weekend......again!


  1. Well that's good news! Frustrating the you don't have any answers though.

  2. Hi I sent you an email and again wonderful blog ! Leslie

  3. Hi Chele
    I look ast your bolg every day but do not respomd... mostly because I did not knoe how to .... Lynda told me how!!!! I love seeing pictures of the kids and all your beautiful cards... keep all the kid info coming i love it
    Love De

  4. sending hugs to you and cortney


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