Thursday, August 21, 2008

Funny Boy!

Don't call the authorities on me! This little guy is drinking sparkling grape juice! My nephew, Alex just insisted on drinking his in the same glass as the rest of us at Christmas dinner! He is quite a character! (Hi Lisa and Alex! Yes, Auntie Chele is posting pics of you again! : )

I used scraps from what is left of my dwindling Picnic Basket kit from Noel Mignon's store! I also used some vintage book paper (Kind of a new obsession with me!) and notebook paper. The DP is October Afternoon ( I LOVE this paper!). The tags and tickets are from Noel's Getaway kit. (Currently sold out!) I added some twine and a title using Thickers.

Off to school today! Back to the daily grind! It is so hard to say goodbye to summer.......
Have a great day everyone!


  1. What an awesome page, Michele!! I LOVE those pictures too!!

  2. Hey, Michele!
    We're starting school today too! It's nice to have a quiet house but a little lonely...I'll get over it QUICKLY I'm sure! LOL!! Hoping you're having a great day :0)

  3. Oh my gosh i love this girl !!!! Great layout , and i still miss all you girls, i just dont know where the time goes right now :( ..... TTYS, enjoy your weekend :)


  4. Too cute!! What a great page! :)

  5. LOL Too funy! Great page!


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