Friday, August 8, 2008

Stampin Diva's Challenge # 5

It is time again for the Stampin Diva's Challenge. Lynda (my MIL) decided to do a sketch challenge. The sketch came from the Joy of Cardmaking. In addition to the sketch we also had to use a bird image. Perfect for me! I love the Bird Notes set from Crafty Secrets. I colored the bird in with my Prismas and Gamsol.I added textured "snow" to parts of the bird and under his feet. While the texture paste was wet I sprinkled glitter. Off the top of my head, I can't remember who the paper is by.....sorry! My mind is so full of stuff right now!

Tonight my hubby and I are going on a date! We are going to an outdoor music festival. It is like having a huge picnic with lots of people. But more romantic! (If that's possible with a lot of people!) Just imagine a sea of blankets, candlelight, wine, snacks, and great music playing in the background. We are going to listen to Los Lobos. (I hope I spelled that right!)

Go check out the other Divas' cards!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Thanks Michele, for making the tags for me...I so appreciate it!
    Luv the Halloween cards...but you know me...I love that day! Too bad, our kids are getting older..we've had so many great trick or treating memories! Have a nice night...the weather will be beautiful for sitting under the stars! Love ya,

  2. Awesome Michele, really love this!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  3. Very nice card!
    My guess is that you are going to Ravinia. Hope you have a good time on your date.

  4. Very pretty Michele. I love the colors you chose for the bird. Well done.

  5. Great sketch and card!!
    Love the pumpkin card as well.
    Have a great day!

  6. What a great card! Date night? What's that?! My idea of a date night is with our scrappin' group laughing all night long. Have a great time!!

  7. very cool card...
    I love the little bird.

  8. Hey girl !!

    I love this card to peices !! I miss you , i havent forgotten about you WC girls, please dont think i did !! I will be back to join in the fun soon, i have had alot going on. Hope all is well on your end !! I saw Simones CHA pics on her blog , glad you guys had a blast !!
    My lil guy had surgery , details on the ole blog , i dont want to take up your whole comments section !! LOL .... i probably will be back to WC maybe in a week or two , just trying to get my head back on straight, i feel like there arent enough hours in the day lately !!

    JeNn :)

  9. `Lovely` Michelle I love your Halloween cards to...Have a great Day:)X

  10. These challenges really show off all your styles! I love it!

  11. Very pretty Michele, love that bird! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  12. Wonderful job with the sketch!! Such a pretty card!!


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