Friday, November 14, 2008

Did you Grow Up in the 80's?

I did! You can see my beautifully permed hair, acid wash jeans with the socks rolled up over them, and top siders! Man, I was so COOL! This is my best friend, Jen. Her and I have been through tons of crap together, and she has always stuck by me. I have had this old picture forever and really wanted to scrap it. Noel's challenge was to use the word "Remember, " in your LO. So this picture fit perfectly! I used Noel's new kit called Cornucopia. Awesome kit jam packed with stuff! Don't forget to head on over to the message board to play along with the challenges and win some prizes!!!

Leave a comment HERE for your chance to win a Sweet 'n Sassy set! I will draw a name at 12:00 PM on Saturday, Nov. 15th.


  1. What a beautiful layout! Such a special way to preserve those sweet memories!

  2. I love this, and it brings back some good ole memories! I graduated in '87, so I can relate to all of these things! I really should do a page like this of my best friend and I. We have been BFFs since 8th grade and I have some "great" old pics of the 2 of us! Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a fun layout! I grew up in the 70's but remember well the leg warmers and big Good times!

  4. `Hi` Michelle your LO is soo cool...I grew up in the seventy!!!I do remember thos eleg warmers and high perms..`Fabbie`...
    Have a lovely weekend:)~X~

  5. Those are the precious memories we can always go back to...and hold dearly in our hearts! Great hair!

  6. Wonderful layout for your page. Oh the 80's! My kids graduated in '83 and '86 and oh yes, the hair! Guess the styles will soon make a return as do other decade styles. Glad you and your friend have such nice memories.

    Barb Gault

  7. Ah, the 80s. How we'd all love to forget them!

    Very cool layout. Neat!

  8. Great LO Michelle...ahhh...the 80's..I graduated in 84..I had the beautifully {big} permed hair...sheesh, now I'm trying to straightened my

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Great layout and great memories!

  10. I had some of those tight bottom jeans, too! Love this page! Of course, I love anything you do.

  11. Oh, was 80's for me. Lol! What a great page, Michele!!

  12. what an amzing scarpbook page....i luv it! *~*

  13. Aaah the 80s...big hair, fashion; what great times, lol! This is a great layout. I like that you added a picture from another time period to show changes.

  14. Gotta love the 80's!!!!!!! Boy, i miss them!!!!

  15. I really like your layout. It reminds me that my best friend in high school recently sent me a pic she dug up of me and two other friends acting REALLY weird (so glad the '80s are!) Thanks.


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