Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shadow Box

A couple of years ago I redid my kitchen in a cranberry red color. I love it with the white trey ceiling, wood floors, and my lighted hutch! It is warm and cozy, and is probably my favorite room in the house. I decided to create a little shadow box to showcase my other love.......coffee! I used Crafty Secret's Coffee and Tea set for this. The paper is Basic Grey. I also added liquid applique for the "froth." There is vintage lace and an old vintage button I used to replace the O in coffee. It looks so cute in my kitchen!

My other exciting news is that I made the Cat Walk over at SIS TV!!! My LO (click HERE to see it) from the other day was chosen as one of their favs for the week. That was a wee bit of sunshine in my day!

And just an update....my van was towed today to the body shop. They are hoping to look at it tomorrow. (I am keeping my fingers crossed!) It seems that everything should be covered.....

Happy Wednesday! Lots of cooking and cleaning for me!


  1. I am not surprised at all that they picked your layout. It looks great!
    and your shadow box is fantastic!

  2. I am LOVING this so much! I'm a collage kind of girl, so this one speaks to me!

  3. LOVE your shadow box...it's fabulous...great news about your layout!!!

  4. Hi Michelle,
    I love your shadow box - it looks so old fashioned. You did a great job as usual!
    Congratulations on your layout getting chosen. I am not the least bit surprised. It is very 'special'! You are
    becoming quite famous!!!
    I missed your blog last night and just read about the accident and all that has happened because of it.
    I am so sorry to hear this. Glad neither you nor Court were injured. Hope the two ladies that went to hospital are going to be OK.
    I bet you were frightened driving home with a potentialy dangerous gas leak etc!!!!
    Very happy to hear that your van will be taken care of for you.
    Praise the Lord.

  5. This is too cute Michele - I love it (and hey, it matches my kitchen too!) *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  6. And, congrats on getting chosen - your layout is fabulous, no surprise there! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  7. OH Girl, i LOVE this, i may need to make myself a shadowbox, really awesome idea !! Have a WONDERFUL and HAPPY Thanksgiving :)

  8. What a great shadow box! Do your talents never end?!!! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Chele! (hugs)

  9. Your Shadowbox is darling, Michele!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  10. this is awesome, love the layout

  11. THis is great!! Congrats on your fun news!! Happy Thanksgiving Michele! :)

  12. I love your style! This shadow box is so cute. Thanks for commenting on my blog. :)

  13. Mmmmmmm coffeeeeee, another favorite next to chocolate! Awesome shadow box. After reading this post, you and I are very similar, my kitchen/diningroom is also a cranberry red and decorated in nothing but coffee, latte and chocolate themes.
    Hugs, Nikki


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