Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Flying by the Seat of my Pants!

I don't know about the rest of you, but lately, I don't seem to have 2 minutes to just sit! I have been chasing and doing like a mad woman for the last couple of weeks! Tonight was no exception....I came home from work, cooked dinner, took Cort to cheerleading, picked up Kyle, took him to Boy Scouts, took Cortney with me to my 5th graders' Christmas concert, came home, got Cort to bed, finished Kyle's homework, read Harry Potter, peeled an orange for his snack and decided after all of this....the one thing I NEED?! I looooooonnnnng hot shower! I deserve this one luxury after a hard day's work, right? So I get in the shower, turn on the water................................and it is friggin cold! Why? you ask? Is the hot water tank broke you wonder? Nope. It was my 6th grade son who likes to take his hour and a half baths. UGGGGGHHH! So as not to waste time, I took a VERY fast cold shower and got the hell out of there! Nothing like ending your day with a bang! But I digress......

On to the card! This is another card created by images from the vintage booklets by Crafty Secrets. It was a pretty quick card because the image is already done. I just matted it and embellished it a bit. I have been cranking out quite a few of these cards.....and will share over the next few days! And speaking of Crafty Secrets, Sandy will be coming out with a new set called Home Sweet Home! IF you would like a chance to win this brand new set, head on over to her blog!

And one last thing, my wonderful friend Mary Ann is having a give away on her blog. She is the thrift store goddess and has a knack of finding fabulous vintage pieces. I have purchased many things from her Etsy store as well! When she sends them to you, well, what can I say.......she wraps everything so darn cute!!! So head HERE and leave a comment for your chance at winning some vintage finds!
Happy Wednesday!!!


  1. Hey! Haven't posted in awhile but your days sound like mine! LOL!!!

    Just wanted to drop you a line :0) Have a great Wednesday...hopefully less white stuff on the ground! LOL!!

  2. HAH!!! Your day is sounding disturbingly familiar, lol!!! I have a teen son, I feel your pain on the shower!!! Uggghhhh!

    Your card is gorgeous Michele - love it! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  3. Goodness, Michele...and I thought I was busy!! I love your vintage Santa!!

  4. oh absolutely beautiful!!! love this gorgeous card Michelle :) x

  5. Boy have I been there about the cold shower! I am so sorry you had such a rough night. :( Your card is amazing though!

  6. Beautiful card, sorry about your evening, hopefully they are few and far between

  7. Beautiful card!!
    Hot water is a hot commodity around here too...with a 13 year old boy also I can sooo relate!

  8. LOL! It's always somethin' isn't it?!!! Your card is fabulous!


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