Friday, January 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home.....

I had to play some more with these new stamps by Crafty Secrets called, Home Sweet Home. When I am in the mood to color, these are perfect!!! I used my Copics to color with. I also pulled out my very dusty "Postage Stamp" scissors. Remember years ago, when you HAD to have every nifty scissor out there? (OR was that just me?!) I have a whole rack of 'em! I also used my NEsties to further frame the image. I am drawing a blank on the paper.......I think it is Fancy Pants. The ribbon was given to me by Korin at Sweet 'n Sassy stamps. (Thanks Korin!) I thought it matched pretty well! I added a key by Life's Journey to finish it off.

Not, that I am complaining, (ok, maybe a little), but my 2 week vacation is almost over........ Monday, it's back to reality........back to my 28 5th graders.........*sigh*
So I guess I need to make the most of my last few days! Right now my son is making breakfast for my daughter and me. He is making Baked Apple Pancakes. Yep, all by himself! My they grow so fast don't they!? Off to go taste his masterpiece!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Michele, I am loving this stamp set! Your coloring is impeccable! Love this card!

  2. WOW, your coloring is amazing!

  3. Super great coloring. Wow!

  4. That is so cute! You're making me want that set. I can just tell it's going to end up in my collection eventually! Happy New Year!

  5. So pretty Michele! Always enjoyable to come over and catch up.. looking at your newest creation. Love the spoon on the button.. on the post below.. and LOVE the layout of you and your hubby... very cool!

  6. What a beautiful card. That colours are amazing. Well done.

  7. Such fabulous coloring, and I love your little key!! Great card, Michele!!

  8. Lovely card and coloring Michelle.

  9. So pretty Michele, love the fun colors!

  10. I would love to go walk to this house! It is a fairy tale picture! Your colorin (lots of work) is fabulous! Deb

  11. Happy New Year Michele!! I am playing catch up since the family all left this morning - your card is fabulous, love the coloring! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  12. Hey, Michele!!!
    Great to see you today...although too short!
    Next time, we'll have to take over Simone's store and create! LOL!!
    Hope you had a great day and good luck tomorrow...back to routine!


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