Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Baby Turns 12 Today.......

I know how incredibly cliche it is to say.......they grow so fast.......or where did the time go? But maybe it becomes a cliche because it is the truth......where does the time go? How did this once upon a time, wee one, suddenly grow into a young man? 12. It sounds so grown not a baby anymore. Is it wrong to feel slightly sad at your child's birthday? (probably right?)

He may be 12, but he will always be my baby. He is truly the apple of my eye........I love this kid.

Happy Birthday Kyle!!!! : )


    Wow Michelle ... did you take that photo?? That hat is too funny!! It looks like something my 11 year old GRANDSON would wear and be proud of!!! Too cute aren't they! Enjoy each & every day because YES, they do fly!!

  2. Yes they do grow fast! My baby is 22 and I too get sad! I want them to all be little toddlers that I can hold and hug and kiss....

    But I'm starting to get Grandkids for that! The circle of life continues.

  3. When my "baby" turned 33 in December I went through the same thought process ... probably go through it again too. They will always be your baby even when they have babes of their own! Happy Birthday Kyle! ~chris

  4. Happy birthday to your handsome son!! I know EXACTLY how you feel - my baby turned 12 last week and yep, I felt a little bit sad! It DOES go waaaay to fast! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  5. Happy Birthday.... he's so handsome!! :)

  6. Your kids' smiles always make the day brighter! I hope Kyle's birthday was great. 12 years old. Teen next year, yikes!


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