Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter....and last day for BLOG CANDY!

I know how cliche it sounds to say, "Where does the time go?" But seriously, Easter? Already? It must be a sign of me getting older! I purchased my spiral ham and smoked turkey last night. Hubby does all the grocery shopping, so I am currently working on a shopping list for him. (Yep, I am a lucky spoiled girl! LOL) Since Easter is just a couple of days away, I wanted to post this card I made using the Crafty Secrets, Easter Joy set.

The paper is Basic Grey. The tag was distressed using coffee grounds and then sprayed with Tattered Angels, Glimmer Mist in pink. The lil' bunny and eggs were colored in using Copics.
I popped the eggs up with pop dots!
** So I am still on the Soma for my back. I am finding it difficult to sit at the computer or craft for too long. It is a bit frustrating to feel this annoying, throbbing, toothachey type of pain all day long. So I may have to give in and go to a specialist......maybe after Easter.
Don't forget, I pick a winner tonight for my BLOG CANDY! Hurry to enter!!!


  1. my hubby does most of our grocery shopping too...he actually likes doing it...and i DO NOT...hee hee...what a sweet card...hope you feel better soon...have a wonderful Easter!!!

  2. Gawd...DH gets lost in the grocery store. If I send him a little list, he calls me at least once asking for some kinda clarification. Of course, lately I have been sending the two oldest with him and they're of little help! Super duper card...these Crafty Secret images never grow old!

  3. Love, love, love your card! No cooking for me this Easter:)

  4. Wowwwwwwwwwww that card is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):)

    Hope U feel better soon....I have had my share of SOMA...and I know what U mean!!!! :):):):):):):):):)

  5. Hi Michele, it's been a while!! I love this dainty little easter did a wonderful job coloring it in! GOod luck with your Easter cooking! BTW, how is your daughter doing?

  6. I adore your Easer card - it's precious! You always do such beautiful work and I always find it so inspiring. TFS and have a Happy Easter.

  7. woww what a beautiful card,l love the image.

    hugs Riet.x

  8. Beauiful card my friend! Hope you back feels better soon ... have a wonderful Easter!!

  9. fun!!! love those popped out eggs!

  10. This card is just breath taking! I love the colors and details.

  11. OMGosh, Michele! I am catching up on all my fav blogs and I read this! WHA! Hope you feel better SOON! But yes, go to the specialist.

    Also wanted to put my name in the pot for those lovelies! LOL!!

    Have a great Easter :0) xoxo

  12. cute card! thanks for the comment on my blog too!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a wonderful comment! This is a very beautiful card! Love the colors and layout!

  14. Lovely card!!! Sending you get well hugs!!!!!

  15. I love your card.. sort of vintage looking. Nice choice of color and embellishments.



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