Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Noel's challenge this week was to create a heritage LO. I decided to use my MIL's pictures from when she was a young girl. Her dad and brothers are also in the picture. My MIL thinks maybe they were at a picnic.....sack races maybe? I used Noel's newest kit, Penny Arcade for the entire LO. I love all the vintage goodies in this kit! So up my alley! Gorgeous papers, beautiful flowers, doilies.........pure heaven! : )

Awwwww, aren't they cute?

The lady is from one of the packages of pearls in the kit.....how's that for being "green?!"

*** Had Cort's IEP today. Everything today was so positive and upbeat......so unlike any other IEP I've ever been to! I found out that my girl can read 25 words! She has surpassed all of her goals and her vocabulary and speech have grown by leaps and bounds! She is surrounded with teachers and therapists who truly care about her and see her potential. I've never heard so many compliments surrounding my daughter.........it was very touching. I am truly blessed that she is at this school! She is soooooo happy there! She is the only kid I know who wants to go to bed at like 6:00 PM, just so she can have school faster! LOL!

Off to get some craftiness done......Have a great night!


  1. This is a beautiful layout! I love your papers, especially the black in the background.

    Glad to hear the IEP went well!

  2. What a beautiful layout...I love it!

  3. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that LO....and AWESOME news about Cort!!!!!! That is just WOW GREAT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Fabulous layout! I just received my kit and can't wait to play with it!

    I'm so glad things went well with your daughter's IEP and that she is doing so good!!


  5. Oh my goodness! This is so cool! I love your layout, the 'lady' image, and the doily. Fabulous heritage page!

  6. Great page! I can't wait to play with this kit. Have a great day.

  7. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I've been checking our your amazing creations like the one above- just beautiful! Also, LOVE that you used some of the packaging- great idea!!

  8. I love the LO! And I'm glad to hear that everything went well for your daughter:)

  9. Great layout and pictures Michele!

  10. Wowwww Michele,what a beautiful layout.

    Hugs Riet.x

  11. What a beautiful layout Michele - what a treat to come and see your gorgeous work!!

    I am sooo happy to hear about your IEP session - so many of them are always so negative....good for her, she is doing sooo well!!! That's what love and caring will do!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  12. What an awesome page! Love the paper and the embellies!

  13. What a wonderful layout ... LOVE IT
    !! Such good news about Cort ... I'm so happy for her!

  14. This Lay-out is so cool ,remember yesterday.Great paper you used....love it to.

  15. That's great news on Cort! YEAH!!!! I feel proud with you!

    Fabulously done on your layout!



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