Monday, May 18, 2009


Why oh why does Monday come so fast? It feels like it was just Friday! Such a busy weekend we had! Saturday my sister, my mom, and I went to see my soon to be 89 year old grandma. It was such a sweet visit filled with memories and laughs! My Gram was in good spirits that day. Afterwards my hubby and I had a date. We had a lovely dinner and saw a movie at one of those "fancy" movie theaters. (You know the ones that serve beer/wine, and have love seats?) We saw Angels and Demons. Sort of a suspenseful, scary, thriller with a few twists.

Yesterday I got a scrappy page done for my Soulology work for Erika Martin. For some reason the LO took an extra long time to get done. (Which seems to be pretty typical these days!) After that page was done, I made a wedding card for Cort's teacher....which I will post later this week) And that's it! Two pathetic!

I did create this Crafty Secret's card a couple of weeks ago and hadn't posted it yet. I used the Home Sweet Home set and my Copics for the main image. The paper is the citrus pack by DCWV .

I used yarn around the image and tied this pretty beaded flower to it! ( I Love the less bulky look of yarn sometimes!)

Well, off I go to get ready for work! Today is "twin" day! The other 5th grade teachers and I are dressing I guess we are triplets today! : ) (See the fun you have when you work in a school? Just wait until Crazy Hair Day! LOL!)


  1. That movie theater sounds pretty cool!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the card....and I will admit, I was a little busier than U this weekend.....I did a scrapbook for a friend .... and in one weekend...start to finish...I did 76 pages!!! PHEW!!! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Wow...your coloring is so fantastic here, and I love the papers and beaded flower!! Fabulous, Michele!!

  3. Oh love your darling card, what fun. Hugs Cindy xxoo

  4. Wow! Your card is beautiful & your coloring is wonderful! awesome work!!!

  5. Wish we had a movie theater like that...what a wonderful memory that visit to your GM will be. As for the card...I have seen that stamp somewhere and cannot remember...but you certainly know how to color and you are right about that yarn not being is perfect :)

  6. Love the card, the colors are so much fun!! Sounds like a nice weekend!

  7. WOW!! Amazing coloring job on this Michele, and I love the beaded flower! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  8. Wow what a great coloring job. So britgh and so well done. Just a fabulous card. Hugs Marja

  9. Oh Michelle, I tooj one look at your gorgeous card and said to myself, "Copics - she's got Copics" and sure enough. Your work is magnificent.

  10. an absolutely stunning card Michelle :) love it!! :) ♥

  11. Beautiful coloring!

  12. Lucious colors on this card! I hope you share a pic of crazy hair day. My daughter teaches 2nd grade and she says her favorite is pajama day!

  13. OH MY GOODNESS....this is stunning!!!! That movie theater does sound glad you had a great time!!!!

  14. Your card is gorgeous - love your coloring! I can't even imagine a movie theater with drinks and loveseats, but it sure sounds like fun!

  15. YAY for date night! Always a welcomed event! Lovely card!

  16. Wow, that card is amazing!!!
    just dropping in to say hi :)

  17. Gosh, the colours on this card are so vibrant, it deserves to be framed!
    En x

  18. Gorgeous job on the coloring! Impressive creation!

  19. What a lovely card! I love how brightly it is colored. And the yarn and flower are a perfect touch!


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