Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How About One Last Mother's Day Card?

I have been so busy lately, that my creative time has been seriously shortened! When I do get the chance to create it is like pulling teeth! I sit and stare at the papers.....and nothing, nada, zip.....mojo gone! So I thought I would show you one last Mother's Day card that I never posted. I created this card with absolutely no stamping! I had a bunch of scraps on my desk and they looked pretty good laying next to each other, so one thing led to another, and voila! I did a bit of Cuttlebugging, sewing, and again used a doily. (My favorite product these days!).

*** Would you believe that yesterday, while on the highway, I killed a bird?! No, it didn't fly into my window.....the darn thing was standing in the middle of the road, standing! I thought for sure as I got closer it would fly away. Nope. I killed it.........(accidentally! ) What a horrible feeling! Poor thing! Yep.......I am a bird killer.
Don't forget to enter HERE for blog candy! Drawing will be held Friday evening!
Thanks for stopping! : )


  1. Well it must have been the day for birds ...Mine was a smaller (sparrow) and it flew up and into my car...I felt terrible too!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeee the card...and bummer about the bird! Hope your mojo comes back! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. What a beautiful card Michele,l love the papers and colours.

    Hugs Riet.x

  4. The card is so stunning...what a wonderful girlie feel..great colors!!! Wow, the bird did not move.....I would have felt terrbile also!!! Poor Birdie!!! Have a great Wednesday and thank you sooooo much for the wonderful comments you leave me!!!! I so appreicate them!!!

  5. This is totally gorgeous Michele - WOW! I love all the layering and the details are just beautiful! Hang in there, my friend - your mojo is there, it's just taking a rest! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  6. Hi, thank you so much for visiting my blogspot and leaving such lovely comments, I thought I would return the visit by coming to yours. I love your card its so beautiful, the butterfly is gorgeous. Sorry youve lost your mojo, I hope it wont belong before it returns, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  7. Oh wow, I love the stitching, such a gorgeous card. Kim

  8. Oh yikes. That's so weird that the bird just froze. Sorry that it happened. :-(

    Gorgeous card Michele.


  9. SO pretty! I love the soft colors, the embossing, and bling!

  10. Natural selection. It still makes us feel bad though. I did not feel bad when I saw police in my neighborhood apprehend a hooligan that was wearing all bright red apparel. Natural selection there too! What a dumb kid. 1st for what ever he did and then wearing bright red to do it.

    love your blog. Your cards are beautiful. I enjoyed peaking at a few pages worth this afternoon!

    HAve a great day!

  11. That's ok I saw something huge in the road a while back and as i slowed down and came up on it - it was a mama raccoon and two babies - they were walking straight down the middle of the road and as i slowed and swerved to the right to make sure I gave them tons of room all three ran right into my car. I ended up killing mama and one baby. I cried all the way home. I didn't know what to do about the baby so I called a friend and we went back looking for it but it was gone. On a happier note I LOVE your card - very victorian, all lace and roses. Sweet and romantic.

  12. Michele the glitter on your mushroom got "lost" in the photo. I still liked your design (but I bet I'd love it with bling). It looks like I'm going to have to become a follower of your blog.

    I can sympathize with the loss of will return, you can be sure.

    Diane N

  13. Michele, I love the look of this card and your blog. We have been swamped here too! This is soooo soft and pretty! TFS!

  14. Beautiful - love the stitching!! :)

  15. This is so gorgeous, Michele!! I love everything about it!!

    (Sorry about the bird...but it happens. Hugs!)


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