Saturday, June 27, 2009


I was up to the wee hours of the night trying to finish a few more LO's of my niece and nephew. They are turning 7 and 2 years old and we are celebrating their birthdays this weekend. I decided to give my sister all the LO's I've completed of her children as part of their birthday gift. Unfortunately, I was not even in my pages.....for some reason I had more of my niece than my nephew. So last night I thought I should get a few more pages of this little guy done.

This picture was taken at my house last weekend. I just love the joy that exudes from his little face. (His daddy was throwing him up in the air!) I used Noel Mignon's Five Foot Two and Eyes of Blue kit. (Kit is almost sold out....hurry if you haven't gotten yourself one!) The background was misted with Tattered Angels, Glimmer Mist. I kept the LO simple to keep the focus on the photo.

We are hoping to line up a sitter tonight as Cubs/Sox tickets were given to us.......for free. Right behind home plate! Keep your fingers crossed we get a sitter! : )

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. What a cute photo and LO! Love it :)

  2. What a gorgeous layout Michele.

    Hugs Riet.x

  3. Great layout. I can take those tix...

  4. I hope you got a sitter! We got one for tonight, too! :)

    LO is fabulous, dear!

  5. greta LO! i love that photo! hope you got a sitter! >"<

  6. What a sweet photo and a great page to remember it with!! :)

  7. What a great page! How nice of you to give your pages to your sister. I love the picture. It is priceless!

  8. O this is a beautiful page and what an amazing little boy. The joy he is feeling comes across so amazingly. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I see we have a few things in common. I teach special Ed but right now I am subbing while we are in Europe. Anyhow wanted to introduce myself.


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