Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Candy Sticks and Last Chance for Blog Candy!

Good morning! A couple of weeks ago, while browsing the aisles of Michaels, I came across a package of cute Halloween candy sticks. They were by Wilton. I grabbed them and thought they would be cute to place on my coworkers' desks on Halloween. I used my Witch Way to the Treats, JustRite set. (This set is sold out!) They were each cut out with circle Nesties and then airbrushed with Copics.

I paired this one up with paper bats from Making Memories!
And this one.....with cute lil' acrylic buttons.
And this ghost is from Making Memories too....and is all by himself because some of my candy sticks were broken! So no partner for him! ; )

I wanted to let you know that I so appreciate all the sweet comments and feedback about my blog! The consensus seemed to be techniques and techniques and Christmas it is! : ) Oh! And by the way, since I am a big dork, I forgot to mention that the drawing for my blog candy will be tonight.......sometime. Not sure exactly....but it will be after dark when Kyle picks a winner. So check back later k?

Have a great "Hump Day!"


  1. These are sooooooooooooooooo stinkin' CUTE!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Those sticks are adorable! Love what you did to them! Guess I'm off to Michaels today--dang it!

  3. Those are really cute! I love the buttons, where are they from?

  4. That little ghost is killing me with cuteness!

  5. I adore your samples! and love the candy sticks!! now if i could just find them for my kids classes for halloween lol

    and as for your suggestion box... I love more 3d out of the box things in your style as it is unique and charming and I am glad I found your blog!

    Shawn Price

  6. OMG...I LOVE these. I've never seen these candies...I might have to go take a look for them.

    The stamp set is super cute :)

  7. Adorable! And so nice of you to do this for your co-workers!

  8. These are the adorable I love them...wish we had Micheal's :) Bonnie x

  9. OMG these are SUPER cute what a GREAT idea!

  10. I love your cute Halloween crafts. Fortunately, I did get the Which Way to the Treats set.. because your sticks are so darn cute!


  11. Adorable! Love the ribbon too. I need to get out and find some better ribbon!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!