Thursday, September 10, 2009

Feeling old.....

I turned 38 today.......hard to believe how fast time has flown by. Hard to believe I am a mother to a 14 and 12 year old. Hard to believe I've lived in the same house for 17 years. Hard to believe I've been married for 16, to my high school sweetheart. All of it..........has sped by me so very fast. I sure wish life could slow down just a tiny bit....... : )

I found this picture of me in kindergarten. It made me sort of melancholy to see it. I can still remember kindergarten. The cubbies, the smell of crayons, the set up of my classroom. It seems like a lifetime ago. 1976. The 70's.......Dippity Do, pigtails, plaid ruffles, bell bottoms, the BeeGees, disco.........*sigh* What a crazy I will be when I am in my 60's or 70's huh?

I used Noel Mignon's newest kit called Core Curriculum. (It is sold out.....but don't worry cuz her Halloween kit called 31st is coming out soon and Noel is taking pre-orders. Click HERE if you'd like to reserve one! It is simply divine!!!)
Well off to work I go......(Ironic that I am heading off to school.......)
Have a wonderful Thursday! Hope all is well with you!


  1. happy, happy birthday Michele! Hope today is a very happy day for you. You were such an adorable little girl!!! And look at you now, a beautiful woman! Life is good.

  2. Adorable LO, Michele! And Happy Birthday! I've been feeling the speed of life lately, too--but I think from what you write that we both enjoy every second (well, some aren't so very fun....!) Now enjoy every second of your birthday, even if you are at school! Thanks for the lovely inspiration!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michele!!! I hope you have a wonderful day - you so deserveit!! You were sooo cute!! And now, look - a beautiful woman - don't feel look fabulous!!!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  4. Well Michele, you are still very young. I wish I was 38 again. Your picture when you were young looks just like you. What a lovely layout. I did one this year on turning 47. It was fun to do. Went into a photo booth and took some kooky pics to add to it. Enjoy your day. Happy Birthday.
    Hugs xx

  5. Great scrapbook page!! Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a wonderful one!

  6. Happy Birthday Michele! Have to laugh. I had been married a year when you were heading off to kindergarten. Oh to be 38 again. LOL Have a wonderful birthday! xxD

  7. Happy Birthday sweet the LO and hope you have a great day!!! :)

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Hope your evening is quiet AND uneventful!

  9. What a unique and fun it! I am so glad you could scrap your own K photo...and I will soon be 38 with you and can so identify! Happy birthday babe!

  10. Happy Birthday!!!

    I turned 39 in July and am in awe that I am old enough to have kids who are 14 and 12, one is taller than me and the other is quickly gaining... and the oldest has a learners license??!! Oh dear god it goes by too fast!!

  11. Happy Birthday, Michele!! I hope you're having a wonderful day!! I love your adorable page too!!

  12. from a little beauty to a big beauty! happy birthday my friend! you are the same age as my son! YIKES! i could be your mom! more YIKES! love it.

    many happy returns.


  13. Happy birthday, dear Michele! This page is darling--perfectly embellished!

  14. What a wonderful page! Happy, Happy Birthday Michele! ~chris

  15. I almost missed your birthday Michele! I hope you've had a wonderful day filled with many reasons to SMILE!! Love your photo and the layout...what a cutie you were (are!) ;)

  16. Darling pic of you! love the lo, too!
    Time moves quicker as the years go on.
    Happy Birthday Michele!
    I'm glad you were born!


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