Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Treat Bags....

Hope your weekend was fabulous! Mine was great! Saturday I hung out with my scrappy girlfriends. We ate, talked, laughed our butts off, and scrapped for 12 straight hours! And.....I actually managed to get a few LO's done! We always have a great time when we get the chance to "catch up." Sunday was a "Stay in Your Jammies" kind of day. We switched over our summer/winter clothes and I cooked a nice Sunday dinner. We even cracked open a bottle of wine with dinner. (And yes.....we ate in our PJ's! ) After dinner we played a game of Scrabble with Kyle, while Brian listened to the Bear's game in the background. It was just one of those weekends that are sort of warm and fuzzy! : )

I work with two other 5th grade teachers, and I wanted to make them little Halloween treat bags. I filled them with Ghiradelli chocolate and some cute packages of hot cocoa. (They were super cute....but of course I forgot to take a picture of 'em!) I used the Crafty Secret's Postcard kits to dress the bags up. They made the bags look cute and it didn't take all that much time to do! I added some pretty fall embellishments and a lil' tag for their names.

On the Friday before Halloween, these babies will be sitting on their desks! Then when they need a bit of a pick me up....they can crack the bags open to get at some of that yummy chocolate!
I made homemade French Onion soup yesterday for today's dinner. (The directions said it actually tastes better when it sits a day or two....) I am really enjoying trying all of these new recipes! Watch out Bobby Flay! : )
Have a FANTASTIC Monday!! Thanks for visiting me today!


  1. Sounds like a Fabulous weekend!!!! Love the goodie bags...and someone is going to be very pleased seeing these sitting on their desks!!!! favorite French Onion Soup!!!! Wishing you a wonderful week!!!! :-)

  2. sounds like an amazing weekend!!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the bags!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! Those bags are so adorable!

  4. How CUTE are these bags?!?
    Love them!
    And dinner in your favorite kind of day

  5. Love those images...WANT! And if you would like to wing some of that French onion soup my way, I'll be sitting here waiting...k?

  6. WOW! What yummy looking treats!! I sure do love those vintage images!! TFS! HUGS

  7. LOVE those vintage images - totally cute!! :)

  8. Love your goodie bags, awesome work.

  9. Your vintage Halloween Bags are totally cute, Michele!! LOVE them!!

  10. Glad you had a good weekend! :)

  11. Your goodie bags are super cute! Love the images! My scrappy friends and I have a weekend crop coming up soon...I'm soooo excited!

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog:)

    Love your vintage looking treat bags.

  13. ACK!!!!!!! Michelle, these are the cutest! :)

  14. Cute bags! I like the vintage touch!


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