Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another Bucket!

I told you I made 10 buckets for gifts, so here is another one! I used Noel Mignon's Dear Santa kit (sold out), for the patterned paper and my Winter Wonderland Cricut cartridge for the mittens. I inked the edges of the mittens and added glitter to the cuffs. I punched two snowflakes, inked their edges, and sprinkled glitter on all of them. A red rhinestone was added to the center of the snowflakes and then added to the mittens. The little tag is from Quickutz and will eventually bear the name of the recipient who will receive this lil' gift.

I am realizing that my ribbon is a bit cock-eyed........ah well........*sigh*

I am going to see the Adam's Family play in downtown Chicago this evening with Brian and Kyle. Cort is staying back with a sitter. Every now and then we like to do things with each of them separately. Tonight is his night. : )
Have a FABULOUS Thursday!!!! : )


  1. Very cute gift idea! Love those mittens!

  2. Hi. Absolutely delightful. What a fabulous gift.
    Love Sandra xx

  3. This is so pretty, Michele!!

    Have a great time at the show!!

  4. I LOVE this! I need to find that paper (I think I have it..if I don't I need it) and I NEED to make mittens with it! How cute! I love it!

  5. I love hearing about folks doing fun things with their kids. So often we get caught up in life and forget the important stuff! Love your little buckets, cockeyed ribbon and all! TFS

  6. what a cute idea Michele. The mittens are adorable

  7. I love your presents! The colors are gorgeous, and they look so sweet. Thanks for the great ideas! ~Diane

  8. I got one of those buckets...thanks to someone I know! COUGHyouCOUGH!!! LOL!! Loved what you did :) Have FUN tonight - LMK how the show is! xo

  9. That little bucket is soooo cute!
    Let me know how the play is, have fun.

  10. oh what a fab gift idea just love those mittens,xx

  11. I love this. so so adorable!! The Just Rite ones below are amazing as well Michele! :)

  12. How delightful! I love this! Those mittens are just too sweet! Hope you had fun at the play...sounds like a fun one!

  13. omygosh!!!! michele...this is GENIUS!!!! I have some buckets just like those...u have sooooooooooooooooo inspired me to make something with them now!!!!! hope u don't mind if i lift these???? :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  14. this is soooooo adorable!!!! love, love it soo much. thanks for the inspiration!!!! will definitely try making one in the future!!!!

  15. I just found you blog a few days ago and love love love your style and creations and the buckets of course!

  16. Love the gift..I especially love the soft colors.

    I am learning so much from you..motherhood for me is still far away...but there are little gems of info that I read about you and your children that I tuck away into my memory that I'm sure I will help me with my kids.

    This idea of giving each child one special day is a fabulous idea. Its already tucked into my memory.


  17. Michele, this is absolute perfection!

  18. Love how soft and feminine the bucket looks.

  19. I just love those little buckets. I saw them at Target. I have debated several times to get some for teacher gifts. I really like what you have done to doll them up.

  20. Oh how I love those cute little mittens...I don't have that cart but love those!! What gorgeous buckets who wouldn't want one of those!!!! :) Bonnie x

  21. vraiment tres jolie cette réalisation !


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