Monday, August 23, 2010

Crafty Secret's New Product Blog Hop AND a Tutorial!

Good morning! I can't believe it is Monday and today is my first day back at work! I always have such mixed feelings.....sadness that summer is ending, but excited to see my teacher peeps and to start a new year with new students!

Today is the Crafty Secret's New Product Blog Hop! And believe me, there are tons of new products! I have made quite a few samples over the last couple of weeks that I will be showing soon! I have this card to share with you today using a new small set called, Floral Vines. When I first saw this image, stained glass instantly came to mind. So I set out to achieve that particular look. I have a step by step tutorial showing you how this card was created.

It is hard to see in the photo, but the base of the card (transparency) was embossed using a Papertrey Ink impression's template.
I hope you can see the dimensional stained glass effect! It is so difficult to capture on camera!
Here are the directions on how to create your own Stained Glass card!

Be sure to check the other DT gals' Fabulous creations!!! And welcome our newest DT member, Mary Hamer! Welcome aboard Mary!

*Vicki Chrisman Team Leader
· Pam Hooten
· Heidi Blankenship
· Marisa Grosson
· Linda Duke
· Michele Kovack < ------ Me! : )
· Melissa Phillips
· Flo from France
· Julie Campbell
· Mary Hamer
· Heartwarming Vintage Blog
· Crafty Secrets website
Have a great Monday!!!!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous, Michele! Wonderful tutorial, too...beautifully done!

    Hope your first day back at school is a great one!


  2. Beautiful Michele, great look on the acetate!

  3. What a marvelous acetate card. I adore your ingenious use of the layering technique. Your talent and creativity are spellbinding.

  4. Very pretty, no.... beautiful card. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wonderful Card ~ great tutorial.
    Have fun back in school.

  6. Oh my! This is gorgeous....beautiful, beautiful!

  7. Gorgeous card! Fabulous layout.

  8. Wowser! Amazing technique, gorgeous project and fantastic tutorial. Thanks!

  9. wow! love the stained glass look! gorgeous card! thanks for the tutorial!

  10. Totally gorgeous Michele and it has such an airy feel, it's so pretty with your wonderful stained glass style colouring! A great tutorial too, thanks for that. Hope your first day back went well, I can't believe the summer is coming to an end, it's too soon! :D

  11. Seriously Michele, this card turned out stunning!!! I love your stained glass idea for using our new Floral Vine set, the colors you used and the way you explained it with all your photos!


  12. Love the stained glass effect on this stamp. Great job Michele.

  13. WOW! Love this - and your tutorial was fab! I can't wait to work with you on the DT (rumor has it we may live close together!) Thanks for welcoming me!


  14. great tutorial... I need to try this technique for sure...

  15. So beautiful card Michele.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  16. Oh wow, this is so neat! I would never have thought to do stained glass w/ something like that! Gorgeous card!!!!

  17. You're amazing! I love your cards so much!

  18. OK, I'm a dummy, which image did you color? The cardstock, or the acetate?


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!