Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ocean Inspired Candy Bags!

To show you how utterly crazy I am.......a few months back I found seashell candy and bought it because I knew I could make goodie bags using JustRite's By the Sea Borders and Center's set. Now, you ask, do I have recipients for this candy? Nope. Just thought it was cool to have seashell candy to go along with a seashell stamp set. Crazy. I know.

The images were colored using Prisma colored pencils and Gamsol. I added real sand to the image and covered the shells with Crystal Effects. I used my Spellbinder's oval Nestie to cut the image out. The edges were distressed a bit and layered on a scalloped oval from Spellbinders also. The paper is by Basic Grey, the bags by Papertrey Ink, and the rope by SU!

I also added some various pearls to the image, as well as the bag itself.

It is raining like cats and dogs today......which means it is a fabulous day to stamp! Time to burn a candle and get cozy inside my house! : )
Have a great day!!!! : )


  1. Very nice! love the mix of the colors, pearls, twine and "sand"!

  2. HELLO...
    Of course you have someone to give those marvelous candy bags to. ME your faithful fan. lol

  3. I'm with SherryAnn...lol lol lol...you have a million of US to give those too!! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee these Michele!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee those shells...they are GORGEOUS!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Very cute, Michele! The colors are very relaxing - like the seashore! That rope is perfect for your nautical bags. You created an excellent treat for someone! Oh, i guess Sherry and Julie have volunteered!!!

  5. So sweet! Love the shells and the mix of the colors and sand! How fun!

  6. SOOOOO fun Michele these bags are soooo great and creative girl!

  7. These are beautiful! I agree with the others ~ ANYONE would love to recieve one ~ even if we're not anywhere near water and seashells.

  8. OOOH, I LOVE these!! Your details are perfect! Buying candy that matches product just so I could make something cute is so totally something I would do, lol!

    (-: Heidi

  9. Super duper fun lady...love it with the Kioshi papers!

  10. These were even more beautiful in person, Michele! Send some of that rain my way ... we're on a 100-degree plus run this week here in TX!

  11. I don't think that's crazy at all, Michele--would've done the very same thing! The candy is just perfect!

    I always love your beautiful coloring...and the bags are fabulous!

    Thanks for your sweet comments--so glad you got to experience CHA--crazy, isn't it?! But so much fun!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!


  12. Beautious! I'm sure you'll find someone to give them to. Y could pick a blog comment and send the author a true "blog candy". Just saying... have a great week.

  13. Those are just beautiful! Wonderful coloring, great to have met you at CHA.

  14. I don't think it crazy about the shells...these bags and your image is perfect! Love the coloring and the added embellies...Below that layout of Cortney...what a beautiful child...the photographs speak volumes Michele!!

  15. How wonderful! I love the idea of sea shell candy and your treat bags are delightful! The pearls are such a perfect fit for the theme!! Love it!! :D

  16. WoW, these are fabulous! What a clever, unique, and beautiful idea! Love 'em!!

  17. WoW, this is an amazing project! So unique and absolutely gorgeous!!

  18. wow! gorgeous project!! love the distressed look and your coloring is amazing as always!!

  19. Not crazy at all! Well... maybe a little. But I wonder how many of us crazy stampers would have done the same thing. The candy looks too good to pass up. I bought chocolate ladybugs once just so I could make a card to match them. I did give it away, though. I know you'll find someone to give this absolutely darling gift to. So clever and cute! It was fabulous to meet you at CHA. What a lucky girl I am! You're just so darn adorable!


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