Monday, September 20, 2010

Crafty Secret's DT Challenge.....Halloween!

Good morning and happy Monday to you!! Today is our Crafty Secret's DT challenge for September! Vicki challenged us to make anything Halloween themed! I decided on the Halloween Treats stamp set. I just adore this cute little owl and colored him with my Copics. I cut him out and added a foam dimensional dot behind him. The tree was stamped in Versamark and heat embossed with black embossing powder. I punched a circle from a piece of scrap paper and used the negative space to sponge a white "moon" directly onto the DP. I adhered the owl right over it, so that he is sitting on the branch.
The sentiment was stamped on vellum and adhered with a Halloween brad. A larger piece of vellum was run through my spider web Cuttlebug folder. It was hand stitched with black thread and small brads were added to the corners. I piece of glittery, sheer ribbon was tied for a finishing touch.

Be sure to check out the rest of the team's amazing Halloween projects! : )
Vicki Chrisman Team Leader

Pam Hooten

Heidi Blankenship

Marisa Grosson

Linda Duke

Michele Kovack < ----------ME! : )

Melissa Phillips

Flo from France

Julie Campbell

Mary Hamer

Heartwarming Vintage blog
Crafty Secrets Website

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!!! : )


  1. Wonderful card! I LOVE the handstitching on the vellum-NICE!!

  2. LOVE the owl and the spider web (embossing? paper?) behind! SO CUTE! Your design team makes it look SO EASY! Here from Julie's A Vintage CHic!

  3. SOOOO adorable, Michele! Love your coloring & your moon background is so clever!


  4. Love this! That little owl is darling, and the ribbon just makes the whole card pop. I love it! And it's so hard to get a perfect stamped image on vellum. I'm impressed!

  5. Love this card Michele!! The owl is so darling and the scene you created is fantastic!! The tree turned out beautifully and I love how you created the moon!

    I am about an hour and a half east of you (in the country). I live near Sandwich/Somonauk. About 40 min. southwest of DeKalb. And I teach too!! Small world!! Maybe we will connect at next summer's CHA?

  6. Oh Michele...this one is sooooo cute!!! Love Halloween!!!!

    Wishing you a great week!!!

  7. Such a cute card, and I love that owl as well.

  8. Great card! Love it! It's great to showcase that owl.. he is so darn cute!

  9. Super cute Michele, love the big moon!

  10. You really do such beautiful work ! I love the owl I love the whole card. Good job!

  11. I love how you colored the owl, and made him pop off the page. You do beautiful work Michele! Did I read somewhere you had a Birthday a few days ago?? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hugs Linda Duke

  12. Fantastic card Michele!! I love the little owl! The stitching is great and I love how you did the moon!! So Adorable!!

  13. What a terrific scene you that glittery, embossed BG!

  14. Very cute! Great vintage-y feel too!! Good to get a chance to catch up a bit here - wonderful work as always! :)


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