Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Faux Tile Tutorial!

Good morning and happy Wednesday to you! I am so excited because today I have my first EVER tutorial debuting over at Splitcoast Stampers!! The tutorial shows you step by step how to get a faux tile look on your cards. I posted this card back in June using a Crafty Secret's image from the Seasonal Friends set.
I decided to create another card using this fun technique. First, I colored my image with Copics......these Copics.....

.......and another Crafty Secret's stamp,Floral Art. I added a bit of stitching, some pearls, and a pretty ribbon to finish it off.

If you want to make a poor gal extremely happy, please pay me a visit over at SCS, and check out my tutorial! I can't wait to see the cards you create using this fun technique! : )
Thanks so much for popping by! You gals really know how to brighten my day! : )


  1. Oh how pretty are these cards!!!! I adore them!!!

    I am off to check out the tutorial!!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day sweet friend!!!

  2. Gorgeous cards. Congratulations on your tutorial. I will try to play this week.

  3. I got my SCSthis morning and said Wow it's Michelle! Congrats, awesome tutorial and card too! ~Diane

  4. Such pretty cards, Michele! I can't wait to try your tutorial!

  5. I left you some bloggie love over on SCS because I adore this technique...wowza...this card is gorgeous too.....I gotta try this one out...sooooo cool.

  6. What a fantastic effect! Can't wait to try this.

  7. Wow, this is awesome! What a great tutorial with a BEAUTIFUL outcome, the cards are stunning! Congrats on your feature on SCS!

  8. These cards are so so beautiful hun!! I love this technique and just don't do it that often. Thanks for the inspiration hun!!HUGS

  9. Great toot Michelle!
    Your cards are so pretty!

  10. Oh my goodness Michele these look amazing what a totally awesome effect, I am def going to check out your tutorial!!! Hugs to you have a wonderful day!

  11. michelle-michelle...i am without words. i first saw it on the splitcoasters newsletter. oh my...stunning!

    i must give it a try ;p

    and...........super huge congrats!

  12. You absolutely ROCKED these cards and the tutorial Michele. Gorgeous faux tile examples. Beautifully colored and embellished!

  13. What a wonderful cards Michele.

    Hugs Riet.x

  14. Wow! That looks like it would take an age to color. Ah-may-zing! (Of course!) Kudos on the SCS gig too!

  15. These are beautiful!!! congrats on the tutorial!

  16. Congratulations Michele!!! So excited for you and your cards are both gorgeous!!

  17. Congrats on your tutorial.. it is wonderful! Love both of these beauties!

  18. Wow .. those are just stunning Michele! Great job!!

  19. Michele, thank you so much for sharing your awesome tutorial. I love both cards you created, but the flower card is simply stunning!
    Hugs and smiles

  20. Thanks for the card making tutorials. I adore your cards!

  21. I haven't seen anything like these cards before...they're amazing!! I'll definitely pop over & check out your tutorial; maybe this is something I can do too! Thanks for sharing!

  22. http://makedoandgem.blogspot.com/2011/01/faux-tiling-using-crystal-effects.html

    Here's my first effort!


  23. Very pretty. I just checked out your tutorial. I will have to try this. TFS such a wonderful technique.


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