Monday, March 28, 2011

Point, Click, Capture....

Good morning! Cort has spring break this week, so I am home today and tomorrow with her.........(yipppeee!!!!) Which means some down time after vacation! I haven't shared a scrapbook page in awhile and thought I would show you one I created using my Gypsy and Kate's ABC's. Cortney got a camera right after Christmas from her gram. She was quite interested in it and figured out the button to capture the image. We have lots of pics of the floor, ceiling, and back of the couch! LOL! But I was thrilled that she took such an interest in it! : ) I welded the title together and made it my focal point. I used a bit of Glimmer Mist, some fabric and vellum butterflies. The paper is by Girl's Paperie. I have little tidbits of fun items peeking out from my circles........
I used a piece I cut from the Paper Lace cartridge and used it as a template to Glimmer Mist.
And there is my girl being a lil' photographer!
Thank you so much for taking a peek and letting me share my family with you! I so appreciate it!


  1. What a wonderful page, Michele! Love every little element...perfect!

    Looks like you had a fabulous vacation--love all of your photos! Have never made it there yet...will have to one of these days!

    Hope your days off with your sweet daughter are just wonderful...


  2. Wow. Your page is gorgeous! LOVE that big title, LOVE the paper you used.
    Hugs and smiles

  3. WOW Michele your page is sooo beautiful, great elements and layout!

  4. Thanks for your blog visit and comment.

    Your page is so pretty and I'm sure it will always remind you of those wonderful moments....and all those photos of the ceiling and floor!

  5. What a beautiful page and layout, Michelle! I also love your beautiful photo's of vacation. Riding the horse through the waves must have been wonderful! thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet message!

  6. AWESOME layout Michele.. so glad your "precious one" is having fun with the camera.. hugs

  7. So gorgeous Michele.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  8. How cute! Your vacation looks to have been a blast, too....looks like Cort and I take the same kind of piccies, lol! All add to the sweet memories, though!

  9. Thank you for sharing your wonderful layout, love seeing the smile on daughter's face on the page.

  10. LOVEEEEEEEeeee this one!!!! She is so precious and the colors and softness to this LO go so well with the pics!!!

    Enjoy your time with Cort!!!

  11. Absolutely beautiful! Love your layout! Perfection!

  12. SO sweet - I'm glad she's enjoying her new camera!

  13. Oh my, what a gorgeous layout!!! Fabulous attention to detail!

    Great holiday pics!! I'd love to go to Jamaica!

  14. So cute!!! I love all the great details in the circles :)

  15. OMG, woman, I've been looking around your blog!!! You are incredibly talented. I am so humbled that you took the time to comment on my blog. Not only am I one of your new followers, you are in my "favorites". BTW. I looked at your so called reject. Good grief, I would love for my cards to come out that beautiful.

    So glad I came by. I will be by often : )

    ~Lisa D

  16. I love the circles that are cut and the things you have peeking through them. I am going to be trying this idea pretty directly. And I also love how you used the paper lace cartriage as a template.

  17. omg such a cute lo! And the pix are adorable!

  18. This is a very gorgeous and girlie layout. I LOVE all the little things peeking out of the circles. Great way to tell this story. Your sweet daughter is adorable.


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I really appreciate it!