Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Cold and Flu Season!

I have a special post today that is up over at the Official Cricut Blog! It is a project created with the cold and flu season in mind. Most of us try and muddle through our days all the while hacking, sneezing, aching......so how about a little pick me up to fight the common cold?  Think of it as your Random Act of Kindness for that fellow co-worker, friend, or neighbor!    All cut info can be found on the Cricut Blog. : )
The song,"A Spoonful of Sugar" makes the medicine go down......comes to mind!

Depending on the size of your bucket here are a few items you can stock it with.......cough drops, Chapstick, Kleenex, Vick's Vapor Rub, Antibacterial hand sanitizer, Vitamin C drops........

I am back to work on this rainy, gloomy, January day.......... *sigh*
Have a great day and thank you for spreading a little sunshine when you stop here! : )
And if you are at all interested in seeing my daughter and her friends cheer, here is the link to the You Tube video. 
They are so stinking cute it's ridiculous! ; )


  1. What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Soooo cute! I love the touch of lace and the spoon! What a fun idea!


  3. Love the projects - that teapot is darling!
    Also watched some of your video - your daughter has the sweetest smile!

  4. Great teapot, love how you used the lace and bling! I watched Cort's video, brought tears to my eyes! You must be so proud of her. I just love her smile and she is always smiling. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Now this is what I call genius! Hugs Vee xx

  6. lol...you made me want to get sick just to get a bucket of love....such a practical and pretty idea...especially with your signature touch of glitter. What a great project. Heading off the youtube...thanks for sharing the link.

  7. This is simply wonderful! I can't believe the gorgeous things you make with your cricut! If I'm not careful, you'll inspire me to get mine off the shelf!

  8. What a cute, creative, and thoughtful idea!

  9. I love this idea and the colors you used are so cute. I also loved the video of your daughter, she is beautiful and an inspiration to us all : ).

  10. Such a cute and thoughtful gift idea !

  11. This is just wonderful! I am gonna have to try this idea with some K-Cups. You got me thinkin'!

  12. This is a awesome idea and super sweet project! Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog today. I glad I found you and being on the desing team for the Cricut Mag is super impressive!

  13. This is a brilliant idea! I love the dramatic colors. ;)


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